Daylite Data Model

This data model is for the Daylite 4 Client API, which is now deprecated. Please note, Daylite may no longer conform to the same data model. For guidance using the Daylite API check out our Developer Hub or Find a Daylite Partner.

Table of Contents


Entity: Timeblock.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Activity Date activityDate NSDate
Activity Image activityImage NSImage
Activity Name activityName NSString
Activity Status activityStatus NSString
All Contacts as String allContactsAsString NSString All linked people as a string. (separated by comma)
All Groups as String allGroupsAsString NSString All linked groups as a string. (separated by comma)
All Opps as String allOppsAsString NSString All linked opportunities as a string. (separated by comma)
All Organizations as String allOrganizationsAsString NSString All linked companies as a string. (separated by comma)
All Projects as String allProjectsAsString NSString All linked projects as a string. (separated by comma)
Appointment ID timeblockID NSNumber The unique ID of the appointment.
Category category Category Category assigned to the appointment.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber Category ID, unique
Contacts contacts Contact Yes People linked to the appointment.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the appointment was created.
Created By createdBy User The user who created the appointment.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber The unique ID of the user who created the appointment.
Details details NSString Details of the appointment.
Duration (preformatted) durationString NSString
Duration (seconds) durationSeconds NSNumber Duration of the of the appointment in seconds.
End Date endDate NSDate The date/time the appointment ends.
Groups groups Group Yes Groups linked to the appointment.
Location location NSString
Meeting Attendees (as string) meetingAttendeesAsString NSString Meeting attendees as a string. (separated by commas)
Meeting Minutes meetingMinutes LargeData
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the appointment was modified.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Yes The opportunities linked to the appointment.
Organizations organizations Organization Yes The companies linked to the appointment.
Owner owner User The user who owns the appointment.
Owner ID ownerID NSNumber The unique ID of the user who owns the appointment.
Project ID projectID NSNumber A unique ID
Projects projects Project Yes Projects which are linked to the appointment.
Reminders reminders Reminders Yes List of reminders on the appointment.
Resources resource Resource Yes
Source Import ID sourceImportID NSString ID associated with the appointment from the source which was used to import.
Start Date startDate NSDate The date/time the appointment starts.
Status Code statusCode NSNumber Current status of the appointment represented as a number. Use Status String to display the status in words.
Status String statusString NSString The status of the appointment displayed as a string.
Subject subject NSString The subject of the appointment.
Type Code typeCode NSNumber The type of task represent as a number. Use Type String to display the type in words.
Type String typeString NSString The type of task represented as a string.


Entity: Category.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category is currently active in the database.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber Unique category ID.
Color color NSColor Color assigned to the category.
For Contact forContact NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category can applied to people.
For Group forGroup NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category can applied to groups.
For Note forNote NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category can applied to notes.
For Opportunity forOpportunity NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category can applied to opportunities.
For Organization forOrganization NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category can applied to companies.
For Project forProject NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category can applied to projects.
For Task forTask NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category can applied to tasks.
For Timeblock forTimeblock NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the category can applied to appointments.
Name name NSString Name of category.
Root ID rootID NSNumber


Entity: Organization.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Appointments timeblocks Timeblock Yes The appointments linked to the company.
Category category Category The category assigned to the company.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber The unique ID of the category which is assigned to the company.
Contacts contacts Contact Yes Contacts linked to the company.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the company was created in the database.
Created By createdBy User The user who created the company in the database.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber The unique ID of the user who created the company in the database.
Default Electronic Address defaultElectronicAddress ElectronicAddress
Default Electronic Address ID defaultElectronicAddressID NSNumber
Default Geo Address defaultGeoAddress GeoAddress The default address for the company.
Default Geo Address ID defaultGeoAddressID NSNumber The unique ID of the default address.
Default Phone defaultPhone Phone The default phone for the company.
Default Phone ID defaultPhoneID NSNumber The unique ID of the default phone.
Default Second Phone defaultSecondPhone Phone The secondary phone for the company.
Default Second Phone ID defaultSecondPhoneID NSNumber The unique ID of the secondary default phone.
Details details.plainTextRepresentation NSString The details of the company returned as plain text.
Electronic Addresses electronicAddresses ElectronicAddress Yes
Extra Date1 extraDate1 NSDate Extra date 1 value.
Extra Date2 extraDate2 NSDate Extra date 2 value.
Extra Date3 extraDate3 NSDate Extra date 3 value.
Extra Date4 extraDate4 NSDate Extra date 4 value.
Extra1 extra1 NSString Extra Field 1 value.
Extra2 extra2 NSString Extra Field 2 value.
Extra3 extra3 NSString Extra Field 3 value.
Extra4 extra4 NSString Extra Field 4 value.
Extra5 extra5 NSString Extra Field 5 value.
Extra6 extra6 NSString Extra Field 6 value.
Extra7 extra7 NSString Extra Field 7 value.
Extra8 extra8 NSString Extra Field 8 value.
Extra9 extra9 NSString Extra Field 9 value.
Extra10 extra10 NSString Extra Field 10 value.
Extra11 extra11 NSString Extra Field 11 value.
Extra12 extra12 NSString Extra Field 12 value.
Flagged flagged NSNumber Returns 0 if the company is not flagged and 1 if the company is flagged.
Forms customRecordSets Form Yes Forms linked to the company.
From Relationships fromRelationships Relationship Yes
Geo Addresses geoaddresses GeoAddress Yes The company's addresses.
Groups groups Group Yes Groups linked to the company.
Image Data imageData LargeData The image assigned to the company.
Industry Type industryType IndustryType The industry type associated with the company.
Industry Type ID industryTypeID NSNumber
Keywords keywords Keyword The keywords assigned to the company.
Keywords (as string) keywordsString NSString Yes Keywords assigned to the company returned in a readable format.
Last Appointment lastTimeblock Timeblock The last appointment linked to the company that was completed.
Last Note lastNote Note The last note that was linked to the company.
Last Task lastTask Task The last task for the company that was completed.
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage Returns a small image which is used to represent companies in the application.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The last date the company was modified.
Name name NSString The name of the company.
Next Appointment nextPendingTimeblock Timeblock The next appointment linked to the company that has not been completed.
Next Task nextPendingTask Task The next task due and linked to the company that has not been completed.
Notes notes Note Yes The notes linked to the company.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Yes Opportunities linked to the company.
Organization ID organizationID NSNumber
Organization Type organizationType OrganizationType The type of company.
Organization Type ID organizationTypeID NSNumber
Owner assignedTo User The database user who owns the company's record.
Owner ID assignedToID NSNumber The unique ID of the owner who created the company.
Pending Appointments pendingTimeblocks Timeblock Yes Appointments linked to company which are not complete.
Pending Tasks pendingTasks Task Yes Tasks linked to company which are not complete.
Phones phones Phone Yes Phones associated with the company.
Priority level NSNumber Priority of the company.
Projects projects Project Yes Projects linked to the company.
Region Type regionType RegionType The region the company is located in.
Roles roles Role Yes The many roles the company has.
Roles (Contacts) contactRoles Role Yes The roles people play in the company.
Roles (Opportunities) opportunityRoles Role Yes The roles opportunities play in the company.
Roles (Projects) projectRoles Role Yes The roles projects play in the company.
Source Import ID sourceImportID NSString ID associated with the company from the source which was used to import.
Tagline tagline NSString Company's tagline.
Tasks tasks Task Yes The tasks linked to the company.
Ticker Symbol tickerSymbol NSString The stock or ticker symbol used to uniquely identify a publicly traded company.
To Relationships toRelationships Relationship Yes
URL References urlReferences URLReference Yes The url/file references associated with the company.

Company Type

Entity: OrganizationType.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns 1 if the company type is active. If the company type is inactive.
Name name NSString The name of the company type.
Organization Type ID organizationTypeID NSNumber Unique ID of the company type.

Electronic Address

Entity: ElectronicAddress.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Contact contact Contact The person which the electronic address belongs to.
Contact ID contactID NSNumber The unique ID of the person this electronic address belongs to.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the electronic address was created.
Electronic Address ID eAddressID NSNumber
Email (URL) url NSString The address of the electronic address. (Email URL)
Label label Label Label of the electronic address.
Label ID labelID NSNumber The unique ID of the electronic address label.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the electronic address was modified.
Note note NSString The note associated with the electronic address.
Organization organization Organization The company which the electronic address belongs to.
Organization ID organizationID NSNumber The unique ID of the company this electronic address belongs to.


Entity: Email

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Assigned To assignedTo User User assigned to the email.
Assigned To ID assignedToID NSNumber
Blank Carbon Copy String blankCarbonCopyString NSString
Carbon Copy String carbonCopyString NSString Address of the people who were CC'd in the email.
Category category Category Category linked to the email.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber
Contacts contacts Contact Yes Contacts linked to the email.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the email was created.
Created By createdBy User User that added the email through DMI.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber
Custom Record Sets customRecordSets CustomRecordSet Yes Forms linked to the email.
Dmirecord Date DMIRecordDate NSDate
Dmistatus Code DMIStatusCode NSNumber
Email ID emailID NSNumber
Email Message Date emailMessageDate NSDate The date the email was sent.
File Attachments fileAttachments FileAttachment Yes File attachments associated with the email
From String fromString NSString Sender's address.
Groups groups Group Yes Groups linked to the email.
In Reply To Message ID inReplyToMessageID NSString
Keywords keywords Keyword Yes Keywords associated with the email.
Large Data ID largeDataID NSNumber
Message ID messageID NSString
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate Date the email was modified in Daylite.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Yes Opportunities linked to the email.
Order order NSNumber
Organizations organizations Organization Yes Organizations linked to the email.
Original Body Header originalBodyHeader NSData
Processed By User processedByUser User User the add the email to Daylite though DMI.
Processed By User ID processedByUserID NSNumber
Projects projects Project Yes Projects linked to the email.
Raw Header rawHeader NSString Raw header information of email.
Read Permissions readPermissions NSString
Source Import ID sourceImportID NSString
Subject subject NSString Subject of email.
Tasks tasks Task Yes Tasks linked the email
Timeblocks timeblocks Timeblock Yes Appointments linked to the email.
To String toString NSString Email recipients.
Visibility Preset ID visibilityPresetID NSNumber
Write Permissions writePermissions NSString


Entity: Estimate.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Comment comment NSString The comment on the estimate.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the estimate was created.
Due Date dueDate NSDate The date the estimate is due.
Estimate ID estimateID NSNumber The unique ID of the estimate.
Estimate Number estimateNumber NSString The estimate number.
Estimate PDF estimatePDF FileStorage
Estimate PDF ID estimatePDFID NSNumber
Estimate URL estimateURL URLReference The url "reference" to the estimate.
Estimate URL Reference ID estimateURLRefID NSNumber
Line Items lineItems LineItem Yes The line items in the estimate.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The last date the estimate was modified.
Name name NSString The name of the estimate.
Opportunity opportunity Opportunity The opportunity the estimate was created for.
Opportunity ID opportunityID NSNumber The unique ID of the opportunity was create for.
Send To sendTo Contact The person the estimate was sent to.
Send To Address sendToAddress GeoAddress The physical address the estimate was sent to.
Send To Contact sendToContact Contact The person the estimate was sent to.
Send To Custom sendToCustom NSString
Send To Org sendToOrg Organization The company the estimate was sent to.
Sent Date sentDate NSDate The date the estimate was sent.
Sent to Email sendToEmail NSString The email the estimate was sent to.
Sent to Name sendToName NSString
Subtotal subtotal NSNumber The subtotal of the estimate.
Tax 1 Total tax1Total NSNumber Total amount of primary tax on the estimate.
Tax 2 Total tax2Total NSNumber Total amount of secondary tax on the estimate.
Tax1 Name tax1Name NSString The name of the first tax which was applied to the estimate.
Tax1 Rate tax1 NSNumber The first tax rate which was applied to the estimate.
Tax2 Name tax2Name NSString The name of the second tax which was applied to the estimate.
Tax2 Rate tax2 NSNumber The second tax rate which was applied to the estimate.
Terms terms LargeData The terms of the estimate.
Terms ID termsID NSNumber The unique ID of the terms of the estimate.
Total total NSNumber The total of the estimate.
Total Tax taxTotal NSNumber Total amount of tax on the estimate.
Use Compound Secondary Tax useCompoundSecondaryTax NSNumber Returns 1 if the taxes were compound. Returns 0 if the taxes were not compound.
Use Tax1 useTax1 NSNumber Returns 1 if the first tax was applied. Returns 0 if the first tax was not applied.
Use Tax2 useTax2 NSNumber Returns 1 if the second tax was applied. Returns 0 if the second tax was not applied.


Entity: CustomRecord

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Create Date createDate NSDate create date of the form field.
Field Definition customRecordDefinition CustomRecordDefinition The form field definition.
Field ID customRecordID NSNumber The unique ID associated with this field.
Field Value String displayString NSString The value form the field returned as something meaningful to the viewer.
Form customRecordSet CustomRecordSet The form this field belongs to.
Form Definition ID customRecordDefinitionID NSNumber The unique form definition ID associated with this field.
Form ID customRecordSetID NSNumber The unique form ID.

Field Definition

Entity: CustomRecordDefinition.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the field definition is active.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the field definition was created.
Default Value defaultValue NSString The default value of the field definition.
Details details NSString The details or description of the field definition.
Field Definition ID customRecordDefinitionID NSNumber The unique field definition ID associated with the field definition.
Fields customRecords CustomRecord Yes The fields in the database that are of this field definition type.
Form Definition customRecordSetDefinition CustomRecordSetDefinition The form definition.
Form Definition ID customRecordSetDefinitionID NSNumber The unique form definition ID associated with the field definition.
Length length NSNumber
Name name NSString The name of the field definition.
Options options NSString
Type Code typeCode NSNumber A number that represented the type of input the field can take. Eg. number, currency, popup, checkbox, etc.

Entity: URLReference.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Contact ID contactID NSNumber The unique ID of the person this file reference belongs to.
Create Date createDate NSDate Create date of the file/web reference.
File Create Date fileCreateDate NSDate The date the file was created.
File Kind fileTypeDisplayString NSString The type of file.
File Modify Date fileModifyDate NSDate The modify date of the file.
Friendly Description friendlyDescription NSString
Group ID groupID NSNumber The unique ID of the group this file reference belongs to.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate Modify date of the file/web reference.
Name name NSString Name of the file/web reference
Note note NSString Note associated with the file/web reference.
Opportunity ID opportunityID NSNumber Unique opportunity ID associated with the file/web reference.
Organization ID organizationID NSNumber Unique company ID associated with the file/web reference.
Project ID projectID NSNumber Unique project ID associated with the file/web reference.
URL url NSString URL of the file/web reference.
URL Reference ID urlRefID NSNumber


Entity: CustomRecordSet.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Activity Date activityDate NSDate
Activity Image activityImage NSImage
Activity Name activityName NSString
Companies organizations Organization Organizations linked to the form.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the form was created.
Form Definition customRecordSetDefinition CustomRecordSetDefinition The definition of the form. Ask the form definition for its name and it will return the name of the form.
Form Definition ID customRecordSetDefinitionID NSNumber The unique ID of the form's definition.
Form Fields customRecords CustomRecord Yes All the values in the form.
Form ID customRecordSetID NSNumber The unique ID of the form.
Groups groups Group Groups linked to the form.
Is Default For Contact isDefaultForContact NSNumber Return the number 1 of the form applied to people.
Is Default For Goal isDefaultForGoal NSNumber
Is Default For Group isDefaultForGroup NSNumber Return the number 1 of the form applied to groups.
Is Default For Organization isDefaultForOrganization NSNumber Return the number 1 of the form applied to organizations.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Opportunities linked to the form.
People contacts Contact The contacts linked to the form.
Projects projects Project Projects linked to the form.

Form Definition

Entity: CustomRecordSetDefinition

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the form is active.
Create Date createDate NSDate Create date of the form definition.
Create On Add For Contact createOnAddForContact NSNumber Return the number 1 if the form is automatically created and linked to a new person.
Create On Add For Group createOnAddForGroup NSNumber Return the number 1 if the form is automatically created and linked to a new group.
Create On Add For Opportunity createOnAddForOpportunity NSNumber Return the number 1 if the form is automatically created and linked to a new opportunity.
Create On Add For Organization createOnAddForOrganization NSNumber Return the number 1 if the form is automatically created and linked to a new company.
Create On Add For Project createOnAddForProject NSNumber Return the number 1 if the form is automatically created and linked to a new project
Details details NSString Details of the form description.
Field Definitions customRecordDefinitions CustomRecordDefinition Yes Form field definitions.
For Contact forContact NSNumber
For Group forGroup NSNumber
For Opportunity forOpportunity NSNumber
For Organization forOrganization NSNumber
For Project forProject NSNumber
Form Definition ID customRecordSetDefinitionID NSNumber The unique ID of the form definition.
Forms customRecordSets CustomRecordSet Yes All the forms in the database of that are of this type.
Name name NSString The name of the form definition.

Geographical Address

Entity: GeoAddress.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
City city NSString City component of address.
Company organization Organization Company associated with the address.
Company ID organizationID NSNumber Unique company ID associated with address.
Country country NSString Country component of address.
Create Date createDate NSDate
Directions directions NSString Directions enter by user.
G Address ID gAddressID NSNumber
Label label Label Label associated with the address.
Label ID labelID NSNumber Address' label unique ID.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate
Note note NSString
Person contact Contact Person associated with the address.
Person ID contactID NSNumber Person's unique ID associated with the address.
Postal Code postalCode NSString Postal code component of address.
State state NSString State component of address.
Street street NSString Street component of address.


Entity: Group

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the group is active.
Appointments timeblocks Timeblock Yes Appointments linked to the group.
Category category Category The category assigned to the group.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber The unique ID of the category assigned to the group.
Contacts contacts Contact Yes People linked to the group.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the group was created in the database.
Created By createdBy User The user which created the group in the database.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber The unique ID of the user who created the group in the database.
End Date endDate NSDate
Extra Date1 extraDate1 NSDate Extra date 1 value.
Extra Date2 extraDate2 NSDate Extra date 2 value.
Extra Date3 extraDate3 NSDate Extra date 3 value.
Extra Date4 extraDate4 NSDate Extra date 4 value.
Extra1 extra1 NSString Extra Field 1 value.
Extra2 extra2 NSString Extra Field 2 value.
Extra3 extra3 NSString Extra Field 3 value.
Extra4 extra4 NSString Extra Field 4 value.
Extra5 extra5 NSString Extra Field 5 value.
Extra5 extra5 NSString Extra Field 5 value.
Extra6 extra6 NSString Extra Field 6 value.
Extra7 extra7 NSString Extra Field 7 value.
Extra8 extra8 NSString Extra Field 8 value.
Extra9 extra9 NSString Extra Field 9 value.
Extra10 extra10 NSString Extra Field 10 value.
Extra11 extra11 NSString Extra Field 11 value.
Extra12 extra12 NSString Extra Field 12 value.
Forms customRecordSets CustomRecordSet Yes Forms linked to the group.
Group ID groupID NSNumber
Last Appointment lastTimeblock Timeblock The last appointment that was completed for the group.
Last Note lastNote Note The last note that was linked to the group.
Last Task lastTask Task The last task that was completed for the group.
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the group was modified.
Name name NSString The name of the group.
Next Appointment nextPendingTimeblock Timeblock The next appointment linked to the group that has not been completed.
Next Task nextPendingTask Task The next task due and linked to the group that has not been completed.
Notes notes Note Yes Notes linked to the group.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Yes Opportunities linked to the group.
Organizations organizations Organization Yes Companies linked to the group.
Owner assignedTo User The user who owns the group record in the database.
Owner ID assignedToID NSNumber The unique of the user who owns the group in the database.
Parent Group parentGroup Group The group from which the subgroup belongs to.
Parent Group ID parentGroupID NSNumber The unique ID of the subgroup's parent group.
Pending Appointments pendingTimeblocks Timeblock Yes Appointments that have no been completed.
Pending Tasks pendingTasks Task Yes Tasks that have not been completed.
Priority level NSNumber The priority level of the group.
Projects projects Project Yes Projects linked to the group.
Source Import ID sourceImportID NSString
Start Date startDate NSDate The start date of the group.
Sub Groups subGroups Group Yes The subgroups belonging to the group.
Tasks tasks Task Tasks linked to the group.
Total Contacts totalContacts NSNumber Total number of people linked to the group.
Total Opportunities totalOpportunities NSNumber Total number of opportunities linked to the group.
Total Organizations totalOrganizations NSNumber Total number of companies linked to the group.
Total Projects totalProjects NSNumber Total number of projects linked to the group.
URL References urlReferences URLReference Yes The url/file references associated with the group.


Entity: IndustryType

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the industry is active.
Industry Type ID industryTypeID NSNumber Unique industry type ID.
Name name NSString The name of the industry.


Entity: Keyword.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the keyword is active.
Contacts contacts Contact Yes People who have this keyword.
For Contact forContact NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the keyword can be applied to people.
For Opportunity forOpportunity NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the keyword can be applied to opportunities.
For Organization forOrganization NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the keyword can be applied to companies.
For Project forProject NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the keyword can be applied to projects.
Keyword ID keywordID NSNumber The unique ID of the keyword.
Name name NSString The name of the keyword.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Yes Opportunities that have this keyword.
Organizations organizations Organization Yes Companies that have this keyword.
Projects projects Project Yes Projects that have this keyword.


Entity: Label.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
For Electronic Address forElectronicAddress NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the label applies to a email address and web address.
For Geo Address forGeoAddress NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the label applies to addresses.
For Phone forPhone NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the label applies to phones.
Is Active active NSNumber Return the number 1 if the label is active. If a label is inactive it can no longer be applied to any objects until set to active.
Is System Label isSystem NSNumber
Label ID labelID NSNumber Label unique ID.
Name name NSString Label name.


Entity: Correspondence.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Activity Date activityDate NSDate
Activity Image activityImage NSImage
Activity Name activityName NSString
Attributed String attributedStringRepresentation NSAttributedString Contents of letter with formatting.
Contacts contacts Contact Yes Contacts linked to the letter.
Create Date createDate NSDate Create date for the correspondence letter.
Letter ID correspondenceID NSNumber Unique letter ID.
Opportunity opportunity Opportunity Opportunity linked to the letter.
Opportunity ID opportunityID NSNumber Unique opportunity ID associated with the letter.
Project project Project Project linked to the letter.
Project ID projectID NSNumber Unique project ID associated with the letter.
Subject subject NSString Subject of letter.

Line Item

Entity: LineItem.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Account Number (external) accountNumber NSString
Comment comment LargeData The comment of the line item.
Cost Of Goods costOfGoods NSNumber Cost of goods of the line item.
Create Date createDate NSDate When the line item was created.
Details details NSString The details of the line item.
Discount discount NSNumber The discount on the line item.
Discount Type Code discountTypeCode NSNumber The discount type represented as a number.
Estimate estimate Estimate The estimate on which the line item appears.
Estimate ID estimateID NSNumber The unique ID of the estimate on which the line item appears.
Extra Date 1 extraDate1 NSDate Extra date 1 value.
Extra Field 2 extra2 NSString Extra Field 2 value.
Extra Field 3 extra3 NSString Extra Field 3 value.
Extra Field 4 extra4 NSString Extra Field 4 value.
Extra Field 5 extra5 NSString Extra Field 5 value.
ID Code idCode NSString
Image image ResourceLargeData Image associated with the line item.
Large Data ID largeDataID NSNumber
Line Item ID lineItemID NSNumber
Model Code modelCode NSString Model code of the line item.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the line item was modified.
Name name NSString The name of the line item.
Opportunity opportunity Opportunity The opportunity for which the line item's estimate was created for.
Opportunity ID opportunityID NSNumber The unique ID of the opportunity for which the line item's estimate was created for.
Product Service productService ProductService The product or service from which the line item was created from.
Product Service ID productServiceID NSNumber
Profit profit NSNumber The profit made on the line item.
Resource Large Data ID resourceLargeDataID NSNumber
SKU sku NSString The SKU of the line item.
Sale Price salePrice NSNumber The sales price of the line item.
Subtotal subtotal NSNumber The subtotal of the line item.
Tax 1 Name tax1Name NSString The first tax name applied to the line item.
Tax 1 Rate tax1 NSNumber The first tax applied to the line item.
Tax 1 Total tax1Total NSNumber The total primary tax on the line item.
Tax 2 Name tax2Name NSString The second tax name applied to the line item.
Tax 2 Rate tax2 NSNumber The second tax applied to the line item.
Tax 2 Total tax2Total NSNumber The total secondary tax on the line item.
Tax Code (external) taxCode NSString
Total total NSNumber The total of the the line item.
Total With Taxes totalIncludingTaxes NSNumber The total of the line item including taxes.
Type Code typeCode NSNumber The type of line item represented by a number.
UPC upc NSString The UPC of the line item.
Units units NSNumber Number of units of the line item.
Use Tax 1 useTax1 NSNumber Returns the number 1 If the line item applies the primary tax. If it doesn't it returns 0.
Use Tax 2 useTax2 NSNumber Returns the number 1 If the line item applies the secondary tax. If it doesn't it returns 0.


Entity: Note.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Activity Date activityDate NSDate
Activity Image activityImage NSImage
Activity Name activityName NSString
Activity Status activityStatus NSString
All Contacts as String allContactsAsString NSString All linked people as a string. (separated by commas)
All Groups as String allGroupsAsString NSString All linked groups as a string. (separated by commas)
All Opportunities as String allOpportunitiesAsString NSString All linked opportunities as a string. (separated by comma)
All Organizations as String allOrganizationsAsString NSString All linked companies as a string. (separated by comma)
All Projects as String allProjectsAsString NSString All linked projects as a string. (separated by comma)
Attributed String attributedStringRepresentation NSAttributedString
Category category Category Category assigned to the appointment.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber Category ID, unique
Contacts contacts Contact Yes People linked to the appointment.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the note was created.
Created By createdBy User The user who created the note.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber The unique ID of the user who created the note.
Groups groups Group Yes The groups linked to the note.
Large Data largeData LargeData
Large Data ID largeDataID NSNumber
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the note was modified.
Note ID noteID NSNumber Unique ID of the note.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Yes The opportunities linked to the note.
Organizations organizations Organization Yes The organizations linked to the note.
Plain Text plainTextRepresentation NSString Plain text representation of the note.
Plain Text (No Attachment) attachmentFreeTextRepresentation NSString
Projects projects Project Yes The projects linked to the note.
Source Import ID sourceImportID NSString ID associated with the note from the source which was used to import.
Title title NSString The title of the note.
Type Code typeCode NSNumber


Entity: Opportunity.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Appointments timeblocks Timeblock Yes Appointments linked to the opportunity.
Assigned To assignedTo User The user the opportunity is assigned to.
Cached Total Amount cachedTotalAmount NSNumber The total amount of money the opportunity is worth.
Category category Category The category that is associated to the opportunity.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber The unique ID of the opportunity's category.
Complete Date completeDate NSDate The date the opportunity is complete.
Contacts contacts Contact Yes People linked to the opportunity.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the opportunity was created.
Created By createdBy User The user who created the opportunity.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber The unique ID of the user who created the opportunity.
Current Pipeline currentPipeline Pipeline Yes The current pipeline for the opportunity.
Current Pipeline ID currentPipelineID NSNumber The unique ID of the current pipeline.
Current Pipeline Stage currentPipelineStage PipelineStage The current pipeline stage for the opportunity.
Current Pipeline Stage History currentPipelineStageHistory PipelineStageHistory The current pipeline stage history for the opportunity.
Current Pipeline Stage History ID currentPipelineStageHistoryID NSNumber
Current Pipeline Stage ID currentPipelineStageID NSNumber
Details details NSString The details of the opportunity.
Due Date dueDate NSDate The due date of the opportunity.
Estimated Time estimatedTime NSNumber
Estimated Time (incl. tasks) cachedTotalEstimatedTime NSNumber
Estimates estimates Estimate Yes Estimates created for the opportunity.
Extra Date1 extraDate1 NSDate Extra date 1 value.
Extra Date2 extraDate2 NSDate Extra date 2 value.
Extra Date3 extraDate3 NSDate Extra date 3 value.
Extra Date4 extraDate4 NSDate Extra date 4 value.
Extra1 extra1 NSString Extra Field 1 value.
Extra2 extra2 NSString Extra Field 2 value.
Extra3 extra3 NSString Extra Field 3 value.
Extra4 extra4 NSString Extra Field 4 value.
Extra5 extra5 NSString Extra Field 5 value.
Extra6 extra6 NSString Extra Field 6 value.
Extra7 extra7 NSString Extra Field 7 value.
Extra8 extra8 NSString Extra Field 8 value.
Extra9 extra9 NSString Extra Field 9 value.
Extra10 extra10 NSString Extra Field 10 value.
Extra11 extra11 NSString Extra Field 11 value.
Extra12 extra12 NSString Extra Field 12 value.
Forms customRecordSets CustomRecordSet Yes Forms linked to the opportunity.
Groups groups Group Yes Groups linked to the opportunity.
Keywords keywords Keyword Yes Keywords associated with this opportunity.
Last Appointment lastTimeblock Timeblock Last appointment that was completed.
Last Note lastNote Note The last task the was completed.
Letters correspondences Correspondence Yes Letters linked to the opportunity.
Line Items lineItems LineItem Yes Current estimate line items.
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the opportunity was modified.
Name name NSString The name of the opportunity.
Next Appointment nextPendingTimeblock Timeblock Next upcoming appointment.
Next Task nextPendingTask Task Next task that is due.
Notes notes Note Yes Notes linked to the opportunity.
Opportunity ID opportunityID NSNumber The unique ID of the opportunity.
Opportunity State opportunityStateType NSNumber
Opportunity State Reason opportunityStateReason OpportunityStateReason The reason why the opportunity is at its current state.
Opportunity State Reason ID opportunityStateReasonID NSNumber Unique opportunity state reason ID.
Opportunity State String opportunityStateString NSString Opportunity state in a readable format.
Opportunity Type opportunityType OpportunityType The type of opportunity.
Opportunity Type ID opportunityTypeID NSNumber
Organizations organizations Organization Yes Companies linked to the opportunity.
Owner ID assignedToID NSNumber The unique ID of the user who owns the opportunity.
Pending Appointments pendingTimeblocks Timeblock Yes Next upcoming appointment.
Pending Tasks pendingTasks Task Yes Task that are due and not complete.
Pipeline Stage Histories pipelineStageHistories PipelineStageHistory Yes
Priority level NSNumber Returns a number representing the priority of the opportunity. Priority can range from 0 (inactive) to 10 (high).
Probability probability NSNumber The probably of the opportunity's success as percent.
Projects projects Project Yes Projects linked to the opportunity.
Roles roles Role Yes The roles the opportunity performs in companies, projects, and opportunities.
Roles (Contacts) contactRoles Role Yes
Roles (Organizations) organizationRoles Role Yes
Start Date startDate NSDate The start date of the opportunity.
Tasks tasks Task Yes Tasks linked to the opportunity.
Total total NSNumber
URL References urlReferences URLReference Yes Url references linked to the person.

Opportunity State Reason

Entity: OpportunityStateReason

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the opportunity state reason is active. Returns 0 if the opportunity state is inactive.
Details details NSString The details of the opportunity state reason.
Name name NSString The name of the opportunity state reason.
Opportunity State Reason ID opportunityStateReasonID NSNumber Unique ID of the opportunity state reason.
Opportunity State Type opportunityStateType NSNumber Opportunity state type represented as a number.

Opportunity Type

Entity: OpportunityType

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns 1 if the opportunity type is active. Returns 0 if the opportunity type is inactive.
Name name NSString The name of the opportunity type.
Opportunity Type ID opportunityTypeID NSNumber Unique ID of the opportunity type.


Entity: Contact. Represents a person and has relationships to many other objects.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Alias alias NSString A name that you may call this person, but that this person may not know himself or herself by. See nickname.
Anniversary anniversaryString NSString Person's anniversary as a string.
Anniversary Day anniversaryDay NSNumber Anniversary day of the month.
Anniversary Month anniversaryMonth NSNumber Anniversary month as a number.
Anniversary Year anniversaryYear NSNumber Anniversary year.
Appointments timeblocks Timeblock Yes Appointments linked to the person.
Birth Day birthDay NSNumber Birthday day of the month.
Birth Month birthMonth NSNumber Birthday month as number.
Birth Year birthYear NSNumber Birthday year.
Birthday birthdayString NSString Person's birthday as a string.
Category category Category Category assigned to the person.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber Category ID, unique
Companies organizations Organization Yes Companies the person is linked to.
Company (Default Role) organization Organization Default role the person performs in their default company.
Company Name (Default Role, Cached) cachedDefaultOrganizationName NSString The default organization of the contact.
Create Date createDate NSDate When the person was created.
Created By createdBy User The user who created the person's record.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber Unique ID associated with the user that created the person.
Custom Record Sets customRecordSets CustomRecordSet Yes Forms linked to the person.
Default Electronic Address defaultElectronicAddress ElectronicAddress
Default Geo Address defaultGeoAddress GeoAddress Default address associated with the contact.
Default Phone defaultPhone Phone Default phone associated with the person.
Default Role defaultRole Role Person's role for their default company.
Default Second Phone defaultSecondPhone Phone Second phone listed for the person.
Details details.plainTextRepresentation NSString The details of the contact in plain text.
Electronic Addresses electronicAddresses ElectronicAddress Yes
Emails (as string) allUsableEmailAddress NSString A list of emails associated with the contact separated by commas.
Extra Date1 extraDate1 NSDate Extra date 1 value.
Extra Date2 extraDate2 NSDate Extra date 2 value.
Extra Date3 extraDate3 NSDate Extra date 3 value.
Extra Date4 extraDate4 NSDate Extra date 4 value.
Extra1 extra1 NSString Extra Field 1 value.
Extra2 extra2 NSString Extra Field 2 value.
Extra3 extra3 NSString Extra Field 3 value.
Extra4 extra4 NSString Extra Field 4 value.
Extra5 extra5 NSString Extra Field 5 value.
Extra6 extra6 NSString Extra Field 6 value.
Extra7 extra7 NSString Extra Field 7 value.
Extra8 extra8 NSString Extra Field 8 value.
Extra9 extra9 NSString Extra Field 9 value.
Extra10 extra10 NSString Extra Field 10 value.
Extra11 extra11 NSString Extra Field 11 value.
Extra12 extra12 NSString Extra Field 12 value.
Firstname firstname NSString First name of person.
Flagged flagged NSNumber Returns 0 if the person is not flagged and 1 if the person is flagged.
From Relationships fromRelationships Relationship Yes
Fullname name NSString Person's full name.
Fullname (incl. salut.) derivedFullname NSString Person's salutation and full name.
Geo Addresses geoAddresses GeoAddress Yes
Groups groups Group Yes Groups linked to the contact.
Groups (as string) allGroupsAsString NSString A list of groups linked to the contact separated by commas.
Hobbies hobbies NSString Person's hobbies.
Image Data imageData LargeData Person's image data, the image associated with the person's record.
In Shortcut inShortcut NSNumber
Job Title (Default Role, Cached) cachedDefaultRoleName NSString The job title from the contact's default role in an organization.
Keywords keywords Keyword Yes Keywords associated with the person.
Keywords (as string) keywordsString NSString A list of keywords associated with the contact separated by commas.
Last Appointment lastTimeblock Timeblock Last appointment that was completed.
Last Note lastNote Note The last note that was modified.
Last Task lastTask Task Last task that was completed.
Lastname lastname NSString The last name of the person.
Letters correspondences Correspondence Yes Letters linked to the person.
Middlename middlename NSString Person's middle name.
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate Last date the person's record was modified.
Next Appointment nextPendingTimeblock Timeblock Next upcoming appointment.
Next Task nextPendingTask Task Next task that is due.
Nickname nickname NSString Nickname of person.
Notes notes Note Yes Notes linked to the person.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Yes Opportunities linked to the person.
Owner assignedTo User Owner of the person's record.
Owner ID assignedToID NSNumber Unique ID associated with the user that owns the contact.
Pending Appointments pendingTimeblocks Timeblock Yes Next upcoming appointments.
Pending Tasks pendingTasks Task Yes Task that are due and not complete.
Person ID contactID NSNumber Person ID, unique
Phones phones Phone Yes Phones associated with the person.
Priority level NSNumber Returns a number representing the priority of the person. Priority can range from 0 (inactive) to 10 (high).
Projects projects Project Yes Projects linked to the person.
Relationship To Me relationshipToMe NSString
Roles roles Role Yes The roles the person plays in companies, projects, and opportunities.
Roles (Companies) organizationRoles Role Yes
Roles (Opportunity) opportunityRoles Role Yes The roles the person performs in opportunities.
Roles (Projects) projectRoles Role Yes The roles the person performs in projects.
Salutation String salutationString NSString Person's salutation.
Smart Email (Company First) smartElectronicAddress ElectronicAddress Returns email address of the person's default company. If the company does not have an email address then it returns the person's email address.
Smart Email (Person First) smartContactFirstElectronicAddress ElectronicAddress Returns the person's first email. If the person does not have an email the default company's email is returned.
Smart Geo Address (Company First) smartGeoAddress GeoAddress First listed address from the person's default company. If the company does not have an address then the person's first address is used.
Smart Geo Address (Person First) smartContactFirstGeoAddress GeoAddress Returns the person's first address. If the person does not have an address it returns the default company's first address.
Smart Phone (Company First) smartPhone Phone First listed phone from the person's default company. If the company does not have a phone then the person's first phone is used.
Smart Phone (Person First) smartContactFirstPhone Phone Returns the person's first phone number. If the person does not have a first phone number it returns the default company's first phone number.
Smart Second Phone (Company First) smartSecondPhone Phone Second listed phone from the person's default company. If the company does not have a second phone then the person's second phone is used.
Smart Second Phone (Person First) smartContactFirstSecondPhone Phone Returns the person's second phone number. If the person does not have a second phone number it returns the default company's second phone number.
Source Import ID sourceImportID NSString ID associated with the person from the source which was used to import.
Suffix suffix NSString Person's suffix.
Tagline tagline NSString Person's tagline.
Tasks tasks Task Yes Tasks linked to the person.
To Relationships toRelationships Relationship Yes
URL References urlReferences URLReference Yes Url references linked to the person.


Entity: Phone.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Company organization Organization The company associated with the phone.
Company ID organizationID NSNumber Unique ID for the company associated with the phone.
Label label Label Phone's label.
Label ID labelID NSNumber Unique label ID for the phone.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate When the phone was last modified.
Note note NSString Phone note.
Person contact Contact The person associated with the phone.
Person ID contactID NSNumber Unique ID for the person associated with the phone.
Phone ID phoneID NSNumber Unique phone ID
Phone Number phoneNumber NSString Phone number.
Phone Number with Type fullDescription NSString Displays the phone number along with the phone type.


Entity: Pipeline.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the pipeline is active.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the pipeline was created.
Current Opportunities currentOpportunities Opportunity Yes Opportunities with this pipeline.
Current Projects currentProjects Project Yes Projects with this pipeline.
For Opportunity forOpportunity NSNumber
For Project forProject NSNumber
Lower Threshold lowerThreshold NSNumber
Name name NSString The name of the pipeline.
Note note NSString The note associated with the pipeline,
Pipeline ID pipelineID NSNumber The unique pipeline ID.
Pipeline Stages pipelineStages PipelineStage Yes
Upper Threshold upperThreshold NSNumber

Pipeline Stage

Entity: PipelineStage.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Current Opportunities currentOpportunities Opportunity Yes Current opportunities at this pipeline stage.
Current Projects currentProjects Project Yes Current projects at this current pipeline stage.
Name name NSString The name of the pipeline stage.
Note note NSString
Pipeline pipeline Pipeline The pipeline associated with the pipeline stage.
Pipeline ID pipelineID NSNumber Unique ID of the associated pipeline.
Pipeline Stage ID pipelineStageID NSNumber Unique ID of the pipeline stage.

Pipeline Stage History

Entity: PipelineStageHistory.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Activity Date activityDate NSDate
Activity Image activityImage NSImage
Activity Name activityName NSString
Activity Status activityStatus NSString
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the pipeline stage history was created.
Created By createdBy User The user who created the pipeline stage history.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber The user ID of the user who created the pipeline stage history.
Created By Username createdByUsername NSString The username of the user who created the pipeline stage history.
End Date endDate NSDate The end date of the pipeline stage history.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the pipeline stage history was modified.
Note note NSString Note of the pipeline history.
Opportunity opportunity Opportunity The opportunity associated with the pipeline stage history.
Opportunity ID opportunityID NSNumber Unique ID of the opportunity associated with the pipeline stage history.
Pipeline pipeline Pipeline The pipeline associated with the pipeline stage history.
Pipeline ID pipelineID NSNumber Unique ID of the project associated with the pipeline stage history.
Pipeline Name pipelineName NSString Name of the pipeline associated with the pipeline stage history.
Pipeline Stage pipelineStage PipelineStage The pipeline stage associated with the pipeline stage history.
Pipeline Stage History ID pipelineStageHistoryID NSNumber Unique ID of the pipeline stage history.
Pipeline Stage ID pipelineStageID NSNumber Unique ID of the associated pipeline stage.
Previous Pipeline previousPipeline Pipeline
Previous Pipeline ID previousPipelineID NSNumber
Previous Pipeline Name previousPipelineName NSString
Previous Pipeline Stage previousPipelineStage PipelineStage
Previous Pipeline Stage ID previousPipelineStageID NSNumber
Previous Stage Name previousStageName NSString
Project project Project The project associated with the pipeline stage history.
Project ID projectID NSNumber Unique ID of the associated project.
Stage Name stageName NSString The stage name of the pipeline stage history.
Start Date startDate NSDate The start date of the pipeline stage history.

Product Service

Entity: ProductService.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Account Number (external) accountNumber NSString Account number.
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the product/service is active.
Base Price basePrice NSNumber
Comment comment LargeData
Cost Of Goods costOfGoods NSNumber Sales price minus the profit.
Create Date createDate NSDate The created date of the product/service.
Details details NSString The details of a product/service.
Discount discount NSNumber Amount of money that the product/service was discounted.
Discount Type Code discountTypeCode NSNumber Discount type, monetary amount or percent.
Extra Date 1 extraDate1 NSDate
Extra Field 1 extra1 NSString
Extra Field 2 extra2 NSString
Extra Field 3 extra3 NSString
Extra Field 4 extra4 NSString
Extra Field 5 extra5 NSString
ID Code idCode NSString
Large Data ID largeDataID NSNumber
Line Items lineItems LineItem Yes
Model Code modelCode NSString
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the service/product was modified.
Name name NSString Name of the service/product.
Product Image image ResourceLargeData Image of the product.
Product Service ID productServiceID NSNumber Unique ID of the service or product.
Profit profit NSNumber Net money made on the sale of the product or service.
Resource Large Data ID resourceLargeDataID NSNumber
SKU sku NSString Stock keeping unit.
Tax Code (external) taxCode NSString
Type Code typeCode NSNumber Number signifying whether it is a product or service.
Units units NSNumber Suggested units of the product.
UPC upc NSString Universal product code.
Use Compound Secondary Tax useCompoundSecondaryTax NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the product's taxes are compound.
Use Tax 1 useTax1 NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the product has Tax 1 applied.
Use Tax 2 useTax2 NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the product has Tax 2 applied.


Entity: Project.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Appointments timeblocks Timeblock Yes Appointments linked to the project.
Category category Category The category assigned to the project.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber Unique category ID assigned to the project.
Complete Date completeDate NSDate The date the project was completed.
Contacts contacts Contact Yes People linked to the project.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the project was created.
Created By createdBy User The user who created the project.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber Unique user ID of the user who created the project.
Current Pipeline currentPipeline Pipeline The current pipeline of the project.
Current Pipeline ID currentPipelineID NSNumber
Current Pipeline Stage currentPipelineStage PipelineStage The current pipeline stage of the project.
Current Pipeline Stage History currentPipelineStageHistory PipelineStageHistory The history of the current pipeline stage history.
Current Pipeline Stage History ID currentPipelineStageHistoryID NSNumber
Current Pipeline Stage ID currentPipelineStageID NSNumber
Details details NSString The details of the project.
Due Date dueDate NSDate The due date of the project.
Estimated Time estimatedTime NSNumber
Estimated Time (incl. tasks) cachedTotalEstimatedTime NSNumber
Extra Date1 extraDate1 NSDate Extra date 1 value.
Extra Date2 extraDate2 NSDate Extra date 2 value.
Extra Date3 extraDate3 NSDate Extra date 3 value.
Extra Date4 extraDate4 NSDate Extra date 4 value.
Extra1 extra1 NSString Extra Field 1 value.
Extra2 extra2 NSString Extra Field 2 value.
Extra3 extra3 NSString Extra Field 3 value.
Extra4 extra4 NSString Extra Field 4 value.
Extra5 extra5 NSString Extra Field 5 value.
Extra6 extra6 NSString Extra Field 6 value.
Extra7 extra7 NSString Extra Field 7 value.
Extra8 extra8 NSString Extra Field 8 value.
Extra9 extra9 NSString Extra Field 9 value.
Extra10 extra10 NSString Extra Field 10 value.
Extra11 extra11 NSString Extra Field 11 value.
Extra12 extra12 NSString Extra Field 12 value.
Forms customRecordSets CustomRecordSet Yes Forms linked to the project.
Groups groups Group Yes Groups linked to the project.
Keywords keywords Keyword Yes The keywords assigned to the project.
Last Appointment lastTimeblock Timeblock The last appointment which was completed.
Last Note lastNote Note The last note that was created and linked to the project.
Last Task lastTask Task The last task that was completed.
Letters correspondences Correspondence Yes Letters linked to the project.
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the project was modified.
Name name NSString The name of the project.
Next Appointment nextPendingTimeblock Timeblock The next upcoming appointment which is not complete.
Next Task nextPendingTask Task The next linked task that is due and not complete.
Notes notes Note Yes Notes linked to the project.
Opportunity opportunity Opportunity The original opportunity which was convert to the project.
Opportunity ID opportunityID NSNumber Unique ID of the opportunity the project was converted from.
Organizations organizations Organization Yes Companies linked to the project.
Owner assignedTo User The user which owns the project.
Owner ID NSNumber Yes The unique ID of the user who owns the project.
Pending Appointments pendingTimeblocks Timeblock Yes Appointments linked to project which are not complete.
Pending Tasks pendingTasks Task Yes Tasks linked to the project which are not complete and due.
Pipeline Stage Histories pipelineStageHistories PipelineStageHistory Yes
Priority level NSNumber Returns a number representing the priority of the project. Priority can range from 0 (inactive) to 10 (high).
Project ID projectID NSNumber The unique ID of the project.
Roles roles Role Yes Roles
Roles (Contacts) contactRoles Role Yes The roles people play in the project.
Roles (Organizations) organizationRoles Role Yes The roles companies play in the project.
Source Import ID sourceImportID NSString ID associated with the project from the source which was used to import.
Start Date startDate NSDate The date the project was started.
Status Code statusCode NSNumber Returns a number representing the status of the project.
Status String statusString NSString The status of the project in a readable format.
Tasks tasks Task Yes Tasks linked to the project.
URL References urlReferences URLReference Yes URL references associated with the project.


Entity: RegionType.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the region type is active.
Name name NSString The name of the region type.
Region Type ID regionTypeID NSNumber The unique ID of the region type.


Entity: Relationship.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Create Date createDate NSDate
Destination Contact destinationContact Contact
Destination Contact ID destinationContactID NSNumber
Destination Org ID destinationOrgID NSNumber
Destination Organization destinationOrganization Organization
Relation ID relationID NSNumber
Relationship Type relationshipType RelationshipType
Relationship Type ID relationshipTypeID NSNumber
Source Contact sourceContact Contact
Source Contact ID sourceContactID NSNumber
Source Org ID sourceOrgID NSNumber
Source Organization sourceOrganization Organization

Relationship Type

Entity: RelationshipType.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber
For Contact forContact NSNumber
For Organization forOrganization NSNumber
Name name NSString
Relationship Type ID relationshipTypeID NSNumber
Reverse Name reverseName NSString


Entity: Role.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Contact contact Contact The contact who plays the role.
Contact ID contactID NSNumber The unique person ID for the contact that has the role.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the role was created.
Default For Contact defaultForContact NSNumber
Department department NSString The department associated with the role.
Job Title name NSString The job title of the roles.
Opportunity opportunity Opportunity The opportunity which plays the role.
Opportunity ID opportunityID NSNumber The unique opportunity ID for the opportunity that has the role.
Organization organization Organization The company which plays the role.
Organization ID organizationID NSNumber The unique company ID for the company that has the role.
Project project Project The project which plays the role.
Project ID projectID NSNumber The unique project ID for the project that has the role.
Role Based Object (Dest) destinationObject Project
Role ID roleID NSNumber The unique role ID.
Role Playing Object (Revs) reverseDestinationObject Contact
Role Type roleType Role Type The type of the role.
Role Type ID roleTypeID NSNumber The unique ID of the role type.
### Role Type Entity: RoleType.
Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the role type was created.
For Contact forContact NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the role type can be applied to people.
For Opportunity forOpportunity NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the role type can be applied to opportunities.
For Organization forOrganization NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the role type can be applied to companies.
For Project forProject NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the role type can be applied to projects.
Name name NSString The name for the role type.
Role Type ID roleTypeID NSNumber The unique ID of the role type.


Entity: Task.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Activity Date activityDate NSDate
Activity Image activityImage NSImage
Activity Name activityName NSString
Activity Status activityStatus NSString
All Contacts as String allContactsAsString NSString All linked people as a string. (separated by comma)
All Groups as String allGroupsAsString NSString All linked groups as a string. (separated by comma)
All Opportunities as String allOppsAsString NSString All linked opportunities as a string. (separated by comma)
All Organizations as String allOrganizationsAsString NSString All linked companies as a string. (separated by comma)
All Projects as String allProjectsAsString NSString All linked projects as a string. (separated by comma)
Category category Category Category assigned to the task.
Category ID categoryID NSNumber Category ID, unique
Complete Date completeDate NSDate The date the task was completed on.
Contacts contacts Contact Yes People linked to the task.
Create Date createDate NSDate The date the task was created.
Created By createdBy User The user who created the task.
Created By ID createdByID NSNumber
Details details NSString Details of the task.
Due Date dueDate NSDate The date the task is due.
Duration (preformatted) durationDaysHoursMin NSString Duration of task.
Duration (seconds) durationSeconds NSNumber
Estimated Time estimatedTime NSNumber Estimated time the task required to complete the task.
Estimated Time (incl. subtasks) cachedTotalEstimatedTime NSNumber
Groups groups Group Yes Groups linked to the task.
Has Subtasks hasSubtasks NSNumber Returns the number 1 of the task has subtasks, returns the number 0 when there are no subtasks.
Is Done isDoneNumber NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the task is done. If the task is not done it returns 0.
Is Overdue isOverdue NSNumber Returns the number 1 if the task is overdue. If the task is not overdue then 0 is returned.
Last Status Code lastStatusCode NSNumber
Location location NSString
Mini Icon miniIconNormal NSImage
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the task was last modified.
Opportunities opportunities Opportunity Yes Opportunities linked to the task.
Organizations organizations Organization Yes Companies linked to the task.
Owner assignedTo User User who owns the task.
Owner ID assignedToID NSNumber Unique ID of the user who owns the task.
Parent Task parentTask Task Returns the parent task if the task is a subtask.
Parent Task ID parentTaskID NSNumber
Priority priority NSNumber Returns a number representing the priority of the task. Priority can range from 0 (inactive) to 10 (high).
Priority String priorityString NSString String representation of the task priority.
Projects projects Project Yes Projects which are linked to the task.
Reminders reminders Reminders Yes List of reminders on the task.
Source Import ID sourceImportID NSString ID associated with the task from the source which was used to import.
Start Date startDate NSDate The start date of the task.
Status Code statusCode NSNumber Current status of the task represented as a number. Use Status String to display the status in words.
Status String statusString NSString The status of the task displayed as a string.
Sub Tasks subTasks Task Yes An array of tasks subtasks that belong to the task.
Task ID taskID NSNumber Unique ID of the task.
Title title NSString The title of the task.
Type Code typeCode NSNumber


Entity: User.

Key Name Type To-Many Detail
Active active NSNumber Returns 1 if the user is active. If the user is inactive 0 is returned.
Color color NSColor
Contact contact Contact The contact record associated with the user.
Contact ID contactID NSNumber The unique ID of the contact record associated with the user.
Create Date createDate NSDate The created date of the user.
Details details NSString The details of the user.
Modify Date modifyDate NSDate The date the user was last modified.
User ID userID NSNumber Unique ID of the user.
Username username NSString The username of the user.