Executing on Plans July 9, 2019 Kristie

3 Steps To Dig Yourself Out Of An Overloaded Inbox [Infographic]

If you’re being buried alive by email and they keep piling up, we’ve got just the thing for you. Check out this infographic with a 3-step process to help you regain control of your inbox.

3 steps to dig yourself out of an overloaded inbox infographic

Transcribed infographic:

3 Steps to Dig Yourself Out Of An Overloaded Inbox

  1. Dedicate time to check email

Avoid checking email first thine in the morning. Carve out time in your calendar to process email, so you don’t spend the entire day stuck in your inbox.

2. Apply focus

Don’t get overwhelmed by trying to process all of your emails. Start small by first responding to new emails.

3. Use the Time Management Matrix to process each mail

Rate each email on urgency and importance

Ask: Is it Urgent?

If yes, ask: Is it important 

If yes: take action now. Then archive or delete it so it’s out of your inbox.

If no: delegate it then archive or delete it to get it out of your inbox

If no, ask: Is it important?

If yes: schedule time to action these. Then archive or delete so it’s out of your inbox.

If no: Don’t do it. Just archive or delete it.

Email isn’t going away anytime soon. You have to change how you prioritize your time and where you focus your attention.

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