8 Differences Between Reactive & Proactive Entrepreneurs [Infographic]

Executing on Plans / April 22, 2019 / Kristie

Are you constantly busy but not getting the results you want for your business? Do you want to be more strategic about your time to ensure your energy is focused on things that will move your business forward?

It’s easy to get caught in fire-fighting mode or to spend most of your day stuck in your inbox only to realize in the afternoon that half your day has gone by. If you want to take your business from reactive to proactive, it starts with you. It starts with the decisions you make everyday on where you focus your time and energy. While discipline and effort are required, don’t let the idea of coming up with a big, complicated strategy scare you. All it takes is making small changes every day in how you work to make changes that will impact your business in the long run.

Stop getting stuck reacting to everything and start being strategic. We’ve created this infographic to show you the differences between reactive and proactive work and how you can move to being more strategic to take your business further.

Infographic: difference between a reactive and a proactive entrepreneurs

Transcribed infographic:

The Difference Between Reactive and Proactive Entrepreneurs 


Say YES to too many things and end up making minimal progress in multiple areas.

Set vague priorities and to-dos.

Let their to-do list manage them.

Rely on their memory for important priorities.

Do not set deliberate time for to-dos.

Get stuck in fire-fighting mode.

Allow distractions to keep them from focusing on their top priorities.

Try to do everything themselves.


Exercise saying NO and focusing on fewer priorities to make progress in a few key areas directly tied to their goals.

Set SMART goals.






Review to-do list and deliberately focus on just a few key priorities.

Put a system in place such as reminders or priorities on the calendar to ensure key priorities get done on time.

Use their calendar to block time for key tasks to ensure time is allocated for important priorities.

Use Steven Covey’s Time Management Matrix to focus their time on things that are important but not urgent

Deliberately turn off email, phone notifications, social media, etc. at set times to focus on important priorities.

Rely on their team by delegating as much as possible.

About the author:
Kristie Holden is an online marketing consultant. She helps startups get more leads by clarifying their message and creating a marketing strategy to attract and convert their ideal client. Connect with her on Instagram.

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