Billings 2.5 and Daylite 3.2.3 ship.

Scaling / May 9, 2007 / Alykhan Jetha

A short while back, James Gaskin of Network World wrote an article about mashups. In that article he mused about the integration between Daylite 3 and Billings 2.0 and pondered that we probably had a few tricks up our sleeve for Daylite 4 – he was wrong. The tricks are in Billings 2.5.

Early this morning we launched Billings 2.5 and Daylite 3.2.3. Not only do we have better integration with between Daylite and Billings, we have integration between Merlin and Billings, and we published an API so other apps can mashup as well. You can read the press release here.

Even with all the kudos we got with Billings 2, we did something unusual with Billings 2.5 – we completely revamped the main window. That is not typical for a mid-stream release. Let me tell why we did it. We’ve been observing users since we released 2.0 and we found that they where getting lost in the main window. The hierarchy of importance and workflow was not clear. We also simplified the setup assistant. We did all this so that a user can get a great looking invoice out in about 5 minutes from launching the application for the very first time. The new UI looks great I think.

So check it out. We think you’ll like the it.

It’s just one more thing towards making the Mac more efficient and enjoyable for small business. Little by little the state of affairs for Mac Business is getting better and better.

Until next time…

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