Billings 3.7 Released

Product Updates / January 14, 2011 / Ryan

Billings 3.7 is now available for any of our users that don’t have the Mac App Store version installed.

You can click the “Check for Updates…” menu item in Billings for an easy in-app update, or download it from the Billings website.

Other than a bug fix or two, Billings 3.7 maintains parity with the version available in the Mac App Store. You can read the full release notes here.

Also, as we mentioned previously, there are a few important things to be aware of:

The App Store shows an app as already “Installed”
The “Installed” button appears because the Mac App store is identifying applications that have the same internal application identifier on both the Mac App Store and from the developer’s own store. As such, it’s more a bug on Apple’s side than a confirmation that you can update your copy of the apps from within the App Store. You can only update applications purchased via the Mac App Store using the Mac App Store.

Can I easily move my Marketcircle-bought copy of an app to the Mac App Store?
Unfortunately not. The App Store has no way to migrate existing users to the Mac App Store purchase history (and uses an entirely different, Apple-specific, way of securing purchases).

Macworld also wrote a great article entitled “The Mac App Store: What you need to know“.

If you’ve downloaded a trial of Billings and wish to purchase it from the Mac App Store, please follow these steps.

Since Billings can be purchased 3 different ways. We’ve written an article that outlines the differences.

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