Billings Pro 1.6.1 Released on Mac App Store

Product Updates / December 22, 2012 / Alykhan Jetha

Our persistence has paid off. Much to our surprise, Billings Pro 1.6.1 got approved on the Mac App Store late Friday night. A nice Christmas present for us!

If you are on 1.5.5 (the last approved Mac App Store build), you should upgrade to 1.6.1 as soon as you can by doing to the Mac App Store on your computer. There are a number of sync and cloud related fixes – including that annoying “cloud not available” message when it actually is available. 1.6.1 is also important if you plan to use our new Freelance or Free plan or if you want to integrate with Daylite 4.1.

If you’ve gotten the 1.6 build from us directly, you can stay with that. We’ll post 1.6.1 on the site soon.

In the coming weeks, you’ll see another update for both Billings Pro and Billings Pro Touch.

Happy Holidays!

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