Product Updates April 11, 2016 Kristie

Billings Pro 2.2.2 for iPhone & iPad is now available

Billings Pro 2.2.2 for iPhone and iPad is now available in the App Store.

We’ve made some tweaks to make managing your clients and projects easier on the iPhone and iPad, as well as squashed a few bugs.


Home Screen Improvements

From the Home Screen, the order that your clients and projects appear are now based on most recent activity. The projects that you’ve been working on will show first, excluding cancelled and finished projects so that it’s easier to jump to your recent projects regardless of which device you’re using.

Clients on the Home Screen are now ordered first by overdue, then unpaid, unbilled, and recently edited. This way it’s easier to get to your clients need your attention.

Bug fixes

  • We fixed a bug where the wrong company name showed under the client’s name when viewing from the All Client list.
  • We fixed a bug that sometimes caused the app to crash when making a new client from an iPhone or iPad contacts or from importing your identity.
  • We fixed an issue where adding a new currency did not refresh the Currency Settings pane.
  • We’ve also made a few other minor bug fixes and improvements to the app including localization improvements.

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