Quick Tips August 7, 2014 Kristie

Daylite 5 User Guide and Other Helpful Resources

One of the many great things about running your own small business is the ability to create your own workflow. Every business is different and has their own process that fits the way they work. What works really well for one company, may not work for another. The great thing about Daylite is that it is flexible so it can fit your unique business. The flexibility of Daylite allows people to sculpt, test, modify, and share workflows. You can use the features in whichever way works best for your business.

workflowsWe suggest tips and tricks to implement new workflows and processes, but not every one works for every small business. This is why we have multiple resources for learning and using Daylite such as tutorial videos and articles in our Help Centre. These resources allow you to learn at your own pace how to leverage Daylite’s features and grow your small business.

For customers that are interested in learning Daylite from the inside out, there is the Daylite 5 User Guide. The User Guide explains in detail the concepts of Daylite and gets into the nitty gritty about each Daylite feature and how to customize them so you can get the most out of Daylite for your business.

The Daylite 5 User Guide is available in our Help Centre and you can download the PDF and learn Daylite even when you don’t have access to the internet. The Daylite 5 User Guide is especially handy when you are travelling and have some extra time to dig deep into Daylite. The more you understand how to use the many facets of Daylite, the more it can help you to improve the efficiency of your small business so you can keep growing.

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