Our Company April 24, 2019 Kristie

Daylite Kanban Boards by iOSXpert [Beta]

Whether you’re executing on client projects or internal ones, Kanban boards make managing the workload simpler.

A Kanban board is a workflow visualization tool that helps you optimize and streamline your processes. You can now maximize your efficiency with Kanban boards in Daylite. 

At a glance, you can immediately see which tasks are still open, which are already being processed, and who is currently responsible for each task. Overdue tasks are made more prominent, allowing you and your team to identify bottlenecks or delays immediately. This helps you react to changes and ensure projects get done on time, while making the whole process smoother.

Our friends at iOSXpert have just released a beta of Kanban boards in Daylite so you can streamline your project management. Kanban boards are now part of iOSXpert’s Time&Budget plugin, which helps you manage project budgets and monitor costs so you know when projects are at risk of reaching set thresholds.

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