Daylite Touch iPhone 3G Sync Test – Boomtown!

Our Company / August 15, 2008 / Alykhan Jetha

So yesterday was a very good day! We did full round trip testing of Daylite Touch on WiFi and 3G and with the exception of a few problems, it worked!

Here is what we did:

  • We made a copy of our live database (which is huge)
  • We setup the touch server to connect to that copy
  • We had 9 people connect to the Touch server with their iPhones
  • A database was created on each device. That device database is a subset of the data in the main database (as you can imagine).
  • We then made tasks and delegated them to one another
  • We got the delegation notifications and new tasks on each others devices
  • We made changes and synchronized those changes back

We did this test on the Office WiFi, WiFi from Home, WiFi from London, UK (one of the engineers is there on vacation), 3G nearby and 3G from downtown Toronto.

Next up is 3G from the UK, Edge from various places and then moving to our real database.

Now before you get too excited, we still have a lot of work to do. In fact, we are a bit behind schedule. We were supposed to hit this major milestone about 3-4 weeks ago. Accordingly, we’ve had to move our target release timeframe by that factor into the early part of January 09.

We are all pretty stoked that this round trip testing is working nicely.

Until next time…

P.S. Boomtown is a word some of the engineers use when a goal of some kind has been reached.

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