Our Company September 20, 2012 Alykhan Jetha

DMI & DMA compatibility for 10.7.5

Yesterday’s release of Mac OS X 10.7.5 broke DMI and DMA compatibility. We made the appropriate adjustments last night and tested the builds.

You can get the DMA 4.0.6 (for Daylite 4.x only!) here.

You can get DMI 2.8.2 (for Daylite 3.x only!) here.
We’ve also updated the main Daylite 3.15.1 installer to include this fix. You can re-download that if needed.

Other than 10.7.5 compatibility, there are no other changes in these builds.

NOTE: We just got word that there was a 10.6.8 security update this morning that did the same thing to DMI there. We are looking into it.

UPDATE: We fixed the situation on 10.6.8 the same day in the evening but forgot to update this post. For those using Daylite 3.x on 10.6.8, please re-download the installer.

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