I just got back from Paris, France from the Apple Expo. I must say, Paris is a beautiful city! The weather was perfect and sights where remarkable. The Apple Expo seemed busy but since it was my first time, I have nothing to gauge it with. Gareth and I had a good bunch of meetings with different folks – including some customers, partner and other software developers.
I got back to Toronto to be greeted with 2 Daylite awards:
- We received IT-Enquirer’s Silver Cube Award in the Mac OS X Production category. You can read about it on the IT-Enquirer Awards page.
- We then received a American Graphic Design Award for the Daylite box packaging. What is interesting about this award is that a software box placed in the top rankings when normally consumer goods packaging do. There where 7000 entries. You can learn a bit about the box and the designers here. The folks at R.BIRD are fantastic!
We are working to continually improve Daylite, our website, customer services and more and so we hope to win a few more awards in the future 😉
Now I’m off to Apple HQ in Cupertino with Mike for a week. I’m sure that is going to be interesting and impactful.
Until next time …