Daylite Cloud Security: How We Keep Your Data Safe

Our Company / February 6, 2017 / JD

Since Daylite Cloud has been released one of the most common questions has been “How safe is Daylite Cloud?”. Keeping Daylite Cloud safe is important to us and we wanted to explain the some of the measures we’ve taken to make sure your data is secure.


As cloud services like Daylite Cloud become more and more popular the topic of security is comes up more than ever. There are many facets to keeping your clients, and your business software secure like on-site security, backup policies, and keeping up to date with security updates. We know there is some anxiety whenever you hand over such an important thing like data security to someone else and with Daylite Cloud we have made sure that you can be assured that your data is safe.

On-site Security

Your data’s on-site safety is the most important aspect of security and often the most overlooked. Losing business records and client information may have a greater impact on your business than losing any other property.  Using Daylite Self-Serve as an example, if someone were to break into your office and take your computers its possible that they’ll walked out with your Self-Serve database.

When using Daylite Cloud, your database is much more secure. Daylite Cloud is located in top tier data centres where only a  few of Marketcircle’s employees are permitted entry. These locations are protected by onsite security, video surveillance, biometrics and other electronic measures.

With Daylite Cloud the onsite security measures in place are more secure than just about any office building we have encountered and is one of the most important steps taken to ensure that your data is safe.

The Right Backup Plan

Data loss is a real and major threat to your business. Drive failures, natural disasters, theft, and even accidents can result in losing everything on your Mac. When you manage your own database you need to have a backup plan to ensure that you are covered in the case of an emergency. Keeping up a proper backup plan can be difficult to set up, maintain or even just understand. Because of this, backups often only come to mind after its too late and your data is gone.

With Daylite Cloud, whenenever a change is made, a second copy is created instantly in the same data centre. A third copy is also made and located in a totally different data centre. This ensures that there is a backup of the Cloud at all times  even if there is a problem at the main data centre. Additionally, each of these copies are backed up regularly and stored for a period of time, similar to how Time Machine on the Mac works. Thats right, your data is not just backed up, we backup the back ups.

When you use Daylite Cloud your database is protected by an enterprise backup strategy without the costs of investing in new hardware or an IT team. Its all handled by us.

Updates Keeping You Safe

Updates are inconvenient and it seems like they happen more often than ever. These updates are designed to protect you and falling behind on them puts your business at serious risk. We all know this, but almost all of us click “remind me tomorrow” days on end waiting for a more convenient time that never comes.

Each and every day improvements are made and updated on the Cloud– most of the time in the background without you even noticing. Our Cloud team is aggressively applying updates to keep Daylite Cloud more secure without you needing to do a thing.

With Daylite Cloud, you get a team of engineers who love security, keep up with the latest updates and apply them so you don’t have to.

We know computer security isn’t easy. Many small businesses don’t have an IT person to manage their database. With Daylite Cloud you can rest assured knowing that there is a team of people watching your back –keeping a watch on your where you data is stored, backing up the Cloud and applying new security updates. Now you can spend less time worrying about security, and more time focusing on what you do best– growing your business.

Have more questions about security? Check out the Daylite Cloud Security for more information.

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