Quick Tips January 16, 2017 JD

How To Manage Your Contacts and Never Forget Again

Was that meeting at 1 or 2? What was her name and what was she looking for again? Making deals is in the details, and with Daylite you have every detail at your fingertips.


If you forget important details like a meeting, you can say goodbye to a client, but even small mishaps can create a lack of confidence and make closing a deal or keeping a customer an uphill battle. To make sure this doesn’t happen, you need a process that allows you to manage the many details of every client. Adding information needs to be easy, organized, and you must be able to retrieve things quickly.

Adding and retrieving information is where Daylite shines. Daylite has particular focus and workflows for logging customer interactions saving you time, effort and frustration.

Make your clients think you are a miracle worker by checking out these tips on how you can quickly add your client’s info into Daylite, and pull it back up at a moments notice.

Add All the Things!

Daylite gives you all the tools needed to add any detail about your clients. With the right workflow, you will have a consistent method to store this information in a way that makes sense to you and make it easy to find it later. Otherwise, you may find that you have gaps in your customer history or have information that is somewhere, but you can’t find it.

“The ability to link together all of our emails, activities, and other files is definitely one of our favourite features in Daylite. It allows us to keep everything in one place. No more calling out across the office, looking in filing cabinets, or asking each other when we last spoke to a client.” – Gina Best Mortgage Alliance West, Financial Services

More Fields, More Info

Where you add your contact details, be it for a company or person, is stored in a contact card. Here you can add basics, like names, addresses, and phone numbers but there are additional fields that you can also use that can help. These fields are not for interactions you’ve had, but details about people that you what to classify or record.

Try using these fields to improve your data entry and retrieval processes

  1. Keyword
    • Keywords are a powerful addition to your business because they can be used for different applications all at the same time. You can use them to track what email campaigns a client is a part of, their region, as well as any fact that you wanted to store easily. Once you’ve added a keyword, you can pull up a client in Daylite, and review their keywords to get a brief picture of what their history is. When you want to find a specific keyword, you can create filters and smart lists to help you narrow down who you are searching.
  2. Roles & Relationships
    • Roles & Relationships help map out how each person in your database relates to another. These can be personal relationships, like spouse or child/parent. It can be professional such as manager/employee, and it can even be used for your clients, like referred by, or vendor. Any relationship that you can think of, you can add.
  3. Extra Fields
    • Extra fields are twelve text and four date fields that you can use for whatever reason you want. As you build relationships with your clients you, of course, will learn more them and Extra Fields are a great place to store this information. Extra fields give you the flexibility to store things that your competition will forget like a client’s hobby, their child’s favourite animal or their favourite food and much more.

You’ve Got Mail

One of the more common ways you communicate with your clients is by email, and the Daylite Mail Assistant can help you make sense of a busy inbox. Instead of having to search through your inbox for that subject or phrase you remember, you can go straight to the client and look for the email in a much more focused way.

Hello, Is It Me You’re Looking For?

Another common interaction you will have with a client are phone calls. Daylite has these covered as well. When you take or receive a call or make one, you can log this by creating a task, and set the type to Inbound/Outbound call.

Meetings, Appointments, and Important Dates

Whenever you have an important date like a meeting, an event or a milestone with a client, you add the date and time to your calendar right? Well, with Daylite, you can go even deeper. When you invite a client to a meeting, or even just link them to it, Daylite will add the meeting to the client’s activity view. Whenever you need to check what the future has in store for you and a client, you can find it easily and quickly.


When you use Daylite, Tasks are where the rubber hits the road and most the work you do is for your clients. While many of the tasks you do are going to be a part of a project you might come across an odd job that doesn’t fit an open project. In these cases, you should be linking the client to the task, so everything you do for a client, even the small things, reflects on their activity.

And Everything Else

For client interactions that don’t fit any workflow, you can create a note. Notes are a flexible way to record details of every conversation or interaction, and you can link them to your contacts, as well as to any other object in Daylite.

Pro Tip: Tag your notes with keywords to quickly pull up information. Search can work with contents of notes, but if you have many of them, this can take some time.

When you have a way to add client interactions and information in Daylite you make the process of recalling every detail about all your clients easy. Simply put, if you’re not using Daylite to keep track of all your client interactions you are losing valuable information and wasting time.

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