Executing on Plans October 11, 2017 Admin

Infographic: Email Management Tips You Can’t Live Without

Ever feel like you can’t possibly deal with one more email? In all likelihood, you’re not alone: The world sends about 200 billion emails—each and every single day. For the average worker, that equals about one-third of one’s productive (or non-productive) day.

It’s no wonder that dealing with email (and getting overwhelmed by it) can feel like a full-time job. That’s why instituting a system that helps you better manage email can help you regain not just minutes, but hours, of your day.

For starters, keeping a whole lot of emails in your inbox is actually an email management killer—you should try to limit what you see all the time to about 20 emails. When you work in an office, one quick solution is just to not send the email—just ask the question or make the request in person.

What else works? This graphic has some good ideas.


Transcribed Infographic:

Super Valuable Email Management

Tips and tools you can’t live without.

Very day, 193.3 billion emails are sent around the world. Business emails account for 108.7 billion emails. It takes an average of 64 seconds to recover from an email interruption and turn to work at the same rate as before the interruption. The average person spends 28% of th work week reading and responding to email. That’s 13 hours a week.

By the end of 2019, the average business is expected to send and receive 126 emails per day. Research suggests nearly 2/3 of emails in an average inbox are not important.

Reduce your email dependence today.

Clean our your inbox:

Archive old messages you want to hang onto, but don’t require further action.

With the remaining emails:

  • Delete: Discard calendar invites, advertisements, and newsletters you no longer need.
  • Respond: If you can reply to a message in a few minutes or less, respond
  • File: Put the remaining emails in folders or label them to determine their priority level, or use a CRM to organize.
  • Set a time (once daily, every other day, or weekly) to go through your email and clean it out.

Try to avoid the scroll

Stick to around 20 emails or fewer in your inbox. Anything more will require you to scroll to view every email.

Get up.

If you don’t work remotely, consider getting up and speaking to your coworker instead of sending an email.

Ditch group emails:

Use email on a one-to-one basis and try not to use the “Reply All” function.

Identify your intention

Identify what problem you are trying to solve, and what the ideal outcome is before you write the email. 

Call our important information:

  • Use headlines, bullets, and numbers to make your emails skiable
  • In longer emails, bold important information and calls to action.

Think twice before hitting send:

  • Check your email to typos, grammar, and any necessary attachments.
  • Reviewing mails before sending can save you from sending follow-up emails explaining errors or missing attachments.

Cut down on the pleasantries

While it’s important to be nice to colleagues and send thank you notes to clients when necessary, it’s way to skip one-liner “thank you!” And “you’re welcome!” Emails for day-to-day communication.

Go offline

  • Go offline with a local program like Outlook or Mail to respond to a batch of emails.
  • This prevents your responding flow from being interrupted by immediate responses.

Use an instant messaging system

Messaging software allows workers to collaborate in real time without cluttering email inboxes.

Use a project manager

Company project managers can help cut down on internal email updates.

While email is an incredible communication tool. It’s also a huge time suck. Use these tips and tools to cut down your email dependance. 

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