Introducing Daylite Presets for Law

Product Updates / October 4, 2013 / Kristie

We are very happy to announce that today, we have launched our first of many industry-specific presets: Daylite for Law!

Daylite has always been a highly customizable app which is why it is great for any industry. Changes in Daylite 4.3 give us the ability to import “preset” files which encapsulate a number of settings for different industries and workflows. Today, we’re making it even easier for lawyers to get started with Daylite by creating an already customized preset for law that you can import into your new or existing database. Pre-populated information includes items like categories so you can easily understand how to identify your contacts (ie. “”attorney”, “client” , “judge”)


As an example, a great feature in Daylite is the concept of pipelines. The law preset includes both a Defence Case and Plaintiff Case pipeline for litigators. Now you can easily track the stages of a matter with general check points along the way. (These of course can be modified for your specific firm, depending on your area of practice.)


The law preset is great for new and existing Daylite customers to help you streamline the use of Daylite and to manage your workflow better. You can import the law preset into your existing database to add to your current preferences without overwriting your current database.

Visit this page and follow the instructions to get the law preset and learn how to enhance the workflow of your practice using Daylite.

More industry specific presets to come! We’ll be creating presets for real estate, consulting, financial services, and more so stay tuned. If you’re interested in being involved in the creation of the above industry presets, please email info at

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