Once you have imported your contacts and calendars into Daylite, the main benefit of using CardDav and CalDAV is to extend the functionality. By setting up shared contacts using CardDAV, or shared calendars using CalDAV, you are able to share information back and forth. You can access your contacts and appointments in Daylite right on your iPhone or iPad in the Contacts and Calendar apps, as well as the reverse, access your contacts and appointments added to your iPhone or iPad in Daylite. However, setting up shared contacts and calendar is not necessary if you are always adding contacts and appointments directly into Daylite on your Mac, iPhone or iPad. Here are some reasons why you may want to setup contact and calendar sharing.
Scanning business cards into Daylite
When you set up shared contacts, you’re able to automatically have a list of contacts from Daylite on your iPhone or iPad. This is great for if you’re using a business card scanning app and want to automatically go from business card to having that contact in Daylite. If you already have shared contacts set up and have set the default of your address book to Daylite, then you can scan the business card, which adds the contact to the default group in your address book, and the information is automatically sent to the Daylite Server Admin application. These can be shared as a Smart List in Daylite so you can easily find who has recently been added to your Daylite database. From there you’re able to link any notes, e-mails, tasks, appointments or more to the contact. Thus, giving you a rich history with this contact. This workflow of linking all your appointments, notes, e-mails, etc. to your contacts allows you to go from having a simple name and contact info of a person or company to gaining a full story with a person.
Appointments from Fantastical to Daylite
A similar workflow of sharing information can be established using CalDAV. With the use of add-ons that support CalDAV, like Fantastical , when you add an event/meeting to your iPhone or iPad, the appointment is sent to the Daylite Server Admin. Fantastical allows you the flexibility of ‘speaking’ in your own language to add an appointment, by setting Daylite as the default Calendar, new appointments can be added into Daylite using Fantastical. Again, this gives you the functionality of linking people, notes or e-mails to your appointments so you can store and access all this information using Daylite on your Mac, iPhone or iPad.
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