Make Customers More Happy With 3 Scheduling Apps You Can Use With Daylite

Quick Tips / January 11, 2018 / JD

Is this a familiar conversation: “I am free Friday, does that work? No, what about next week?  How about the week after?” What if you could send out a link to a customer and let them book a time in Daylite? Well, when you integrate Daylite with these any of these 3 apps you can.


Daylite’s Zapier integration moves data from one of your apps into another, automatically. One way you can take advantage of Daylite and Zapier is to stop that annoying back and forth when trying to schedule an appointment with a customer by connecting Daylite to an online scheduling app. Now when a customer decides on a time to meet with you, they can schedule it through a website and Daylite will be updated with the appointment details. You don’t even need to switch back and forth between apps!

Check out these 3 scheduling apps that you can use with Daylite and Zapier integration to add more scheduling power to Daylite


With unlimited scheduling events, customized email reminders and the ability to book group events, Calendly is a top-rated scheduling service. With free, Premium and Pro pricing plans you can budget yourself to get exactly what need.

YCBM  is the most economical option with a single pricing plan. It provides you a link you can give to your customers which will send them to a simple and customizable page for customers to book appointments. YCBM is what we use here at Marketcircle to book calls with customers.


Acuity is easily the most capable and full-featured option of the three.  Not only can your customers book appointments from your website, it includes payment options so customers can pay when booking. While the most capable, it is also the most costly so make sure you review its features before purchasing.

By using Daylite and Zapier, you can expand on what you can do in Daylite, and you don’t need to have a computer science degree, a pocket protector or corrective footwear. So, step up your scheduling game with this Daylite Cloud exclusive feature and put an end to the long-winded email chains when all you need to do is find a time that works for everyone. Your customers will thank you for it.

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