Marketcircle CEO Alykhan Jetha (AJ), along with several other big names in the industry will be speaking at The Çingleton Symposium this weekend in Montréal, Québec.
About Çingleton
We are at an inflection point in the way people approach personal computing. iOS has clearly been indicative of the way forward for a few years now and Lion serves to cement this trend. Looking at the broader industry we see a trend away from the traditional forms of thinking about our personal devices. Windows Phone, Android, RIM and WebOS are all also clearly moving our industry in a direction beyond files & file systems, applications that are considered «running» or not, and are abandoning the metaphors that originated with the Mac in ’84 in favour of a new approach guided by both iOS and the Web. In addition to the technical changes the way we deliver software and our relationship with our customers is being changed by the App Stores.
As a community that has found itself riding the crest of this wave of change we have much to learn from one another. Çingleton aims to provide a forum for us to gather our thoughts on the opportunities and pitfalls ahead of us. Our goals are twofold – an opportunity to discuss, face to face, the issues we have to deal with as a result of this sea change, and second, an opportunity to cement our ties as a community through topical discussion but also through sharing our other, non-technical interests, and how they relate to how we approach our work.
Our desired outcome is that attendees leave with a broader perspective of the issues at hand, a few ideas as to how to best approach the future, and a respect, appreciation and familiarity for other members of our community. Many conferences aim to teach, Çingleton aims to be about learning from each other.