Our Company September 8, 2014 Kristie

MILOfest2014- Mac Lovin’ Lawyers Event

For all our Mac-lovin’ lawyer friends out there, MILOfest is an event you don’t want to miss!

We have been attending and co-sponsoring MILOfest since it’s launch six years ago. MILOfest is a 3-day conference for lawyers that love Macs, iPhones, and iPads and will be held on the Disney World Yacht Club resort next month from October 23rd-25th.

Attorneys from across the country and from overseas are gathered for this part tech and part practice management conference. Sessions cover Mac and iOS software and teach attendees innovative and time-saving workflows. Testimonials call the conference the best investment of time and money in their practice.

Register now and use the discount code “Daylite” to get $100 off your registration fee.

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