New in Daylite: Categories & Keywords for Flawless Follow-up

Product Updates / April 14, 2020 / Emily

You may have noticed an update for Categories and Keywords when working with People in Daylite and Daylite Mail Assistant.

This reminder to add a Category and/or Keywords to a Contact means when it comes time to follow up with your new lead or client, you won’t have to rely on your memory!

Daylite Contact CRM

Adding Keywords and Categories to your Contacts makes it easier to keep track and segment them into Smart Lists for follow-ups. Let’s go through how to make remembering to follow up a simple workflow so you never miss out on connecting with your leads and clients.

Using Categories and Keywords

When adding a new Contact to Daylite, you’ll see the reminder to add a Category and Keywords. This makes it a faster and more obvious process, meaning you won’t forget this important step.

Daylite CRM contact management follow up

You can start by adding a Category like “Lead” or “Client” to any new or existing Contacts in Daylite since a Category describes their relationship to you or your business.

When adding Keywords, think of more specific tags, like “VIP” for an important lead or client, or “Free Consultation” for the service they’re interested in.

If you’re working out of your inbox and you receive an email from a lead or client, you can also easily Categorize and tag with Keywords in the same way – now, even if you forget to reply to their email, you’ll see their name appear in the follow-up Smart Lists you created and you will still get back to them.

apple mail daylite crm contact management

Now that your Contacts have Categories, make a Smart List of leads that you haven’t touched base with in 15 days or whatever time frame is relevant to your business. With Smart Lists, you don’t have to add every contact to your follow-up list and then remember to remove them once you’ve followed up. As soon as you follow up with a person on the list, they’ll be removed automatically so you can work through the list without having to update it yourself.

To create your lead follow-up list, follow these steps:

  1. Below the Contacts tab in the sidebar, select People
  2. From the People list, click on the filter icon and set your filtering to match Category is “Lead” and does not match any activity in the last 14 days (or whatever time frame you choose)
  3. Click Save as Smart List and your list is now saved in the Daylite sidebar – you can name it Lead Follow-Ups

Now anytime you send an email or call and it’s linked to the Contact with the “Lead” Category in your Smart List, Daylite will automatically remove them from your list so you can focus on leads you need to reach out to next.

If you want to further segment any leads or clients, here is where Keywords come in. For example, you can use Keywords like “VIP” for important leads or clients and build an additional Client Follow-Up Smart List as you did before, and also include the Keyword “VIP” in the filter.

🔥Pro Tip: For more tips on making follow-up smart lists for clients and using email templates to touch base, check out How To Nurture Your Leads and Clients Using Daylite.

Whether you’ve been using Daylite for years or have just begun, you can take advantage of this new feature by creating a Smart List of Contacts with no Category or Keywords. This will let you easily find anyone you need to categorize and tag, not only making your follow-ups a breeze but also keeping your data entry clean.

daylite crm contact management smart list follow up

When you’re managing projects, your team and everything else you need to do as a small business owner, touching base with your leads and clients is easy to leave last on the to-do list. With Categories, Keywords, and Smart Lists, you can make following up an automated process that’s both simple for you and a delight to your leads and clients.

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