Upcoming webinar for new Daylite customers

Our Company / November 26, 2013 / Kristie

If you’re new to Daylite and are looking for a free introduction to the key concepts and best practices for working with Daylite, you’ll be happy to hear about the upcoming webinar we’re hosting in collaboration with Learn Daylite on Tuesday December 3rd at 2pm EST. 

Register now for the webinar lead by Tim Stringer and Jani Mitanovski, who are both Marketcircle Certified Trainers and are dedicated to supporting people and companies using Daylite effectively. There’s only 100 seats available so you better hurry!

The webinar is 30 minutes long and both Tim & Jani will be available afterwards for 5-10 minutes to answer any questions. The materials shared in the webinar will be drawn from Learn Daylite’s 3-hour online course, Start Smart with Daylite.

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