Executing on Plans August 26, 2009 Ryan

73% of Mobile CRM Users Find It Has Made Their Business More Productive

“Around 73 per cent of respondents to the Forrester survey said that mobilising CRM had made their business more productive, but 27 per cent felt that the strategy had been unsuccessful.”


Normally you don’t hear us talking too much about CRM, as Daylite was designed with a more encompassing concept: growing your business based on objectives – projects and sales opportunities. Part of “growing your business” is CRM, as without good customer communication, your objectives remain at a standstill.

According to the article, high costs and budget limitations appear to be the main obstacle preventing businesses from moving forward with a mobile CRM – albeit those who have rolled out a mobile solution have seen a significant increase in productivity.

There are a few things that come to mind when examining the 27% that felt the strategy was unsuccessful:

    • Improper implementation and training (if you’ve automated your system and trained your staff to use the application in a certain way, and it doesn’t work very well – you’ve just automated failure)
    • Poor hardware solutions (having a non-intuitive or cumbersome handheld device doesn’t help the equation)
    • Mobile CRM lacks important features found in desktop client (if the mobile application can’t do most of the important things the desktop app is capable of, employees find themselves carrying two devices to achieve the same goal)
  • High cost per mobile user (this is of course subjective)

Marketcircle tries to address these issues with the following solutions:

    • The Marketcircle Partner Program (certified Daylite consultants offer implementation, data conversion, support, and training services for Daylite – we also offer extensive documentation and training videos)
    • Mac & iPhone only (by developing software for the Mac and iPhone exclusively, we’re able to provide the best experience for our users – it also ensures the rest of their business doesn’t get tangled up in viruses, crashes, and the other nonsense a typical PC-user will encounter)
    • Daylite Touch really does put your business in your pocket (Daylite Touch gives you the power to run your business from your iPhone with nearly all the power of the desktop application)
  • Very competitive pricing (Check out this chart for a pricing comparison between us and the competition)

Since it’s release, Daylite Touch has changed the way we ourselves do business. As many people in our office work on different schedules, and are constantly out and about, we’ve been able to stay on the “same page” a lot easier. No longer do we need to have our computers in hand to check our schedules, delegate tasks to each other, and so on. Daylite Touch lets us churn out better products for you guys, faster (including improvements to Daylite Touch itself).

Not only has it helped ourselves, but we’ve found our users are working more productively than ever. We have three case studies centered around the use of Daylite Touch, with a fourth one covering the legal industry on its way.

Using mobile CRM isn’t for everyone. Some don’t need it. Some won’t use it. And others just want to kick up their feet and relax when they leave the office.

Ryan Cash

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