Scaling July 19, 2006 Alykhan Jetha


Finally, Marketcircle has a blog. It’s about time. Admittedly, it was difficult to start this blog. I kept thinking ‘Who wants to listen to my wind?’. Also, writting is difficult for me. I can talk till the cows come home, writing however, is another issue.

I figured, what the heck, we’ll give it a try. The worst we can do is fail, and failure, indirectly, is a form of progress. I remember reading somewhere “Fail Forward Fast”. The author was saying – you will fail more often than you will succeed. If you don’t fail, you will not succeed because you are not taking risks and the faster you fail, the sooner you will succeed.

If I had listened to him, this blog would have been around sooner. To that, I say “Better late than never”.

I will not be the only contributor to this blog, some of the Marketcircle crew will post here as well.

We hope we can give you value with this blog and make it worth your while. Let’s see how it goes.

Until next time…


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