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Daylite Named High Performer for CRM by G2 in Summer 2020 Report

July 24, 2020

Marketcircle announced today that Daylite, their Mac CRM that allows small businesses to manage clients, deals, and projects in one place, has been named a High Performer in the Summer 2020 G2 Grid Report® for the Europe Region by, Inc. G2 is the world's largest technology marketplace made for businesses to find, review, and manage the tech they need to take their business further.

The Grid Report® highlights Daylite as software that lets businesses track and manage client interactions all in one place. Unlike most small business CRMs that focus on just customer relationships, Daylite allows users to track the full lifecycle of a customer from following up and closing the deal all the way through managing a project and finishing on time - and then following up for repeat business and referrals.

Daylite has received 4.5 out of 5 stars from real customers, with 93% of users saying they're pleased with the ease of doing business Daylite, and a 94% rating on quality of support.

In a recent 5-star review, a customer wrote, "My day begins and ends with Daylite. I consider it one of my most powerful tools for getting the most out of my business!"

The Grid® represents the views of real software users, letting consumers choose the best product for them based on the experiences of their peers. To be shown on the Europe Regional Grid® Report for CRM, products must have received a minimum of 10 reviews or ratings and are ranked by customer satisfaction and market presence and then placed into four categories on the Grid® report.

About Daylite: Daylite is an all-in-one CRM for small businesses available exclusively for Apple devices. Daylite allows entrepreneurs and teams to manage leads, clients and projects all in one place.

More than 6,000 companies across 120 countries rely on Daylite.

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