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Energy Direct (UK) Ltd.

Consulting Hartlepool, UK


Energy Direct are a leading Independent Energy Consultancy. Based in the North East of England, we operate throughout the UK with clients ranging from major blue chip organizations to small and medium size enterprises.

What do you use Daylite for?

We are a busy office with a wide range of activities being carried out at any one time, Daylite has allowed use to bring all of these activities together and sit them under one roof. First and foremost Daylite is used by our 'Sales Team' to create, track and close new sales opportunities, Secondly its used to manage a high volume of projects we undertake for our clients that interlink with the sales opportunities and thirdly we use Daylite as a mail/document storage system. The projects generate high volumes of incoming mail (post), which is scanned and linked into Daylite for use within the projects/opportunities function.

What was it about Daylite that drew you in initially?

We had tried a couple of other CRM style programs that initially we thought would meet our needs but after a few hours of trialing them it became clear they were not fit for our purpose and would potentially involve significant costs to develop them to the point where they would suit our requirements.

Daylite was recommended to us by a local IT support company, who thought it may fit our requirements and after trialing it and looking at ways to customize the various options it became very clear that it would meet our needs perfectly! The overall look, speed and ease of use was more appealing than many of the other alternatives we had explored. This coupled with the ability to have an offline database meant we could take our office with us into the field making the decision to adopt Daylite as our CRM very easy.

How has Daylite and/or Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

The deployment of Daylite into our 'Sales Team' has had a hugely positive effect on our ability to manage large numbers of leads which was ultimately our number one objective. The recent release of the ScanSnap add-on has also been a leap forward for us as we handle hundreds of documents on a daily basis which require linking to different projects/opportunities. The implementation of the ScanSnap add-on has ACTUALLY reduced our processing time by over 70%.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

Daylite Mail Integration (DMI) is possibly the most useful feature. Its speed and easy of use makes creating tasks and appointments simplicity itself, In addition the ability to setup sales pipelines have helped increase revenue into the business dramatically.

How has Daylite helped you to increase revenue in your business?

By deploying Daylite into our office we have become more efficient and proactive, mainly due to being able to see everything that is going on for our clients in one centeralised place. It really isn't rocket science but having the ability see what each department is working on for that client has made life so much simpler. We have been able to setup smart lists and workflows so tasks and to-do's just appear on the right persons screen at the right time. Like I said its not rocket science and there so much more to Daylite that we take for granted now that goes into making the whole program work and work well!

Any other comments?

Daylite has become a integral part of our company and has enabled us to introduce slicker and more effective processes as a result. It IS a fantastic software program and I would recommend it to any small business looking for a system to help them manage their growth. The staff at Marketcircle are both professional and friendly and have always been able to provide a solution to any and all queries we have had.

Great work, and we cant wait to see Daylite on the iPad.

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