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Consulting Bremerton, WA


Powerdyme™ was founded in 2007 by Dr. Dan Diamond after his return from the hurricane Katrina relief effort because he was compelled to tell the story of resilience in the midst of the storm.

How do you use Daylite in your industry?

I use Daylite to track my interactions with my clients. I have pipelines that are designed for the different types of work that I do. I like that Daylite has the ability to link different people and companies to an event. The interface with Apple Mail helps me to be able to track email details and link them to projects. I have an iPhone and I'm always able to access the Daylite database directly from the iPhone and it is always up to date.

What's your favourite thing about Daylite Touch?

My favourite thing about Daylite Touch is having the ability to access the database directly. It is always up to date and it is incredibly powerful.

How has Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

My schedule is very complex and I have multiple different types of projects pending at any one time. Daylite helps me keep it all straight. Being able to clearly document the relationships between people involved in the projects is key. It is much better than I am at remembering how people are connected. Networking is exceedingly important and opens the door to new opportunities.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

There are three features that I find the most helpful:

  • Integration with Apple Mail
  • The ability to have custom pipelines with templates for different types of projects
  • The ability to keep track of key players, decision makers and other folks involved in projects.

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