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Circus Orange Inc.

Entertainment Toronto, Ontario


Circus Orange Inc. is an entertainment company based in Toronto, Canada. Our specialty is combining human performance with pyrotechnics, special effects and fire. Our canvas is the stage, the human form, architecture and the sky above.

How do you use Daylite in your industry?

We use Daylite as our main shared calendar and contact management system in the office. As part of the contact management we use it to organize our various mailing and emailing lists. We find the ability to link items really useful for tracking people to jobs – it tells us who introduced us to who and basically remember stuff we forgot. This is particularly useful in a multi user environment. We also use opportunities to track the progress of prospective jobs. We then use projects to track confirmed jobs through to completion. It’s of great value to be able to link contacts, phone calls, notes and everything else to these key profit generating areas. We use Daylite Mail Integration to track all pertinent emails for projects and opportunities which is very useful in our multi-user environment.

What's your favourite thing about Daylite Touch?

Having all of the above in my pocket.

How has Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

Daylite Touch enables me to be far more interactive with my database. If a client calls on my cell I can immediately update the notes on a project or reference any other aspect of an active opportunity or project. I can assign tasks to my assistant from thousands of miles away and I have the history of this for anyone else in the office to view if need be. Everything is in one place and not scattered between phone conversations, emails and sticky notes.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

The home screen that gives me such a great overview of my day including my appointments and tasks.

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