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Bailey, Bilyeu and Associates

Insurance Phoenix, AZ


BaileyBilyeu & Associates was established in 1998 as a full service, independent Life, Health and Disability Insurance Agency.

What do you use Daylite for?

We use Daylite in our independent insurance agency to keep track of EVERYTHING for our insurance clients – they have several products each and we keep track of those both past and current. We use the calendars a lot, and with syncing, we're able to know when we're each available to schedule future activities.

What was it about Daylite that drew you in initially?

It's a robust way to keep track of clients and all their products they have with us in one place. We use reports or create smart lists to fine tune our communications to specific groups of clients.

How have Daylite and Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

We're able to keep track of status updates on policy applications in process, which means we never drop the ball. We keep track of any service issues we are working on and we have details about everything in case it's called to question. We attach Dropbox files so that everything is "virtualized" – no more big file cabinets, and important documents are always available on the go.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

That's hard to say – I like the idea that everything related to a client is in one place (their contact information, the products they have, any files associated with them and all email correspondence). I also like having my calendar on the go. and I especially like that it is available for our iPhones. Brian can be out in the field while I'm back at the office and we both have all of our important information at our fingertips.

How has Daylite helped you to increase revenue in your business?

Because we are proactive – our image to our client of being "on top" of everything is definitely improved! Also, we now have ways to identify potential sales leads and accurately target cross-selling to our existing customers. We have reminders and therefore don't miss out on sales opportunities. We've even developed a tracking process using the project feature to conserve business – this is HUGE.

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