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CFO Insight LLC

Financial Services Cincinnati, Ohio


The CFO Insight LLC team is ready to assist mid-market companies in meeting their finance executive needs. Services range from part-time CFO services, to enhance existing financial management, to interim CFO services to fill an unplanned requirement. Additional finance executive services include senior finance project work, and M&A services - Prepare Your Company for Sale; Acquisition Due Diligence; M&A Integration.

What do you use Daylite for?

I use Daylite for managing my database of clients and contacts (in total about 2,500). I routinely email about 1,100 of my business contacts to announce periodic webinars. I also use Daylite to manage 'snail-mail' physical mailings to about 400 of my key business contacts. I manage my calendar – working with more than a dozen organizations across 4 states. Using the groups feature, I also categorize contacts by industry, or profession, e.g. Attorney, CPA, CFO etc. When I see an article that applies to an industry or profession, I can easily mass email links to the appropriate article.

What was the most painful thing about your previous workflow that Daylite has helped to solve?

Daylite's ease of use, and portability are exceptional. I now have Daylite fully synchronized on my iMac, iPad, and iPhone. I can easily check my notes, emails and previous meetings to refresh earlier discussions etc. with contacts, and be better prepared for an upcoming meeting. Quite often, I'll arrive at a meeting 15 minutes early and get updated – the iPad's portability is essential.

With Daylite on your iPhone, you've literally had your business in your pocket. Now, with Daylite on your iPad, what have you been able to further achieve?

Daylite is considerably faster on the iPad. Also, as I read articles in various publications (e.g. Wall Street Journal; Business Week; Reuters; Bloomberg etc.), I can easily access my contact list to forward relevant articles. At my option, there is no dead time, unless I choose to make it so.

How has the iPad revolutionized the way you do business in general (not Daylite specific)?

I'm not sure how to beat the ultra sharp graphics, access to information anywhere I travel, and smoothness of operation. I have perhaps 20 Keynote presentations on the iPad, and when appropriate, I can access the presentations immediately at a luncheon or meeting to emphasize my point. I've also accessed my website over a luncheon to demonstrate a point to a potential client. I am a private pilot, and the iPad has also revolutionized flying with electronic sectional charts, terminal procedures, and electronic filing of IFR flight plans… saves 30 pounds of paper; provides immediate, scalable access to any chart I need; and improves flight plan filing.

Describe how you use Daylite on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad. In what scenarios do you use each device, and how has the ability to take your business with you improved productivity?

In addition to managing my "rolodex", I manage my client pipeline. Timely, scheduled follow-ups for potential engagements are essential in this competitive consulting environment. Mergers & Acquisitions sometimes happen suddenly, and I need to understand my availability. Clients sometimes ask me questions outside my expertise – for example, they may be looking for an advertising, marketing, or perhaps a manufacturing expert. When that happens, I search the data base for the best resource to solve their problem, and make the referral immediately – it's a win/win. The client is well served, and a well-qualified consultant increases their revenue.

What is your favourite thing about having Daylite on your iPad?

I think that the larger size – when compared to the iPhone, actually makes me more productive. For example, when waiting for a meeting, I'll use the iPad to manage my emails, research companies, and read periodicals/newspapers online. These activities often generate ideas that I make note of in Daylite for follow-up.

How has Daylite helped you grow your business?

I now have more control over my time, my prospect pipeline, and my resources (e.g. contacts). I also manage my marketing; mailings, webinars, blogs etc. using Daylite.

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