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McNeely Financial Strategies LLC

Financial Services Northbridge, California


Timothy J. McNeely is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and a Certified Investment Management Analysts Practitioner℠. He specializes in preventative financial care for those in the dental industry. As fee-based planner he provides comprehensive wealth management advice.

What do you use Daylite for?

Daylite is critical for our business. One of the things that our company really focuses on is client service. If we tell someone something will be done, it will be done. That's where Daylite comes in. I'm in a industry where there are a lot of moving parts. Trying to remember everything that needs to be done is a hard task. By using Daylite we can keep track of paperwork, client requests, scheduling client reviews, and daily tasks that need to be done.

I also use Daylite to fully automate my marketing. My clients depend on me for up to date info. on the markets. Daylite has allowed me to segment my client base and send custom communications to each segment. For example some of my clients like to get a monthly market update, others what to get tax info., some want to know about college savings, and others request info. on charitable gifting. Daylite allows me to market to each segment and keep track of what is going on.

Daylite also allows me to keep track of different opportunities that come up. When I meet a new prospect I enter a task to call and follow up with them. In the follow up call I can take time to explore what a relationship with my firm looks likes. If the prospect turns out to be a qualified prospect I create an opportunity for them to make sure that I continue to follow up and eventual win the business.

What was the most painful thing about your previous workflow that Daylite has helped to solve?

One of the most painful things about my previous workflow what that nothing truly integrated with my Mac, iPhone and iPad. I'm a Mac user and have been for 15+ years. I don't want to adopt another OS or web based system. I want something that works and integrates with Address Book, iCal, Pages, and other Mac apps that I love. I also wanted a system that was mobile and can be used anytime and anywhere.

With Daylite on your iPhone, you've literally had your business in your pocket. Now, with Daylite on your iPad, what have you been able to further achieve?

The thing that I have been able to achieve is a better customer service and a better way to manage opportunities and tasks. I specialize in doing preventative financial care for those in the dental industry. Most of my prospecting is is done as a sponsor for a dental continuing education course. When I meet someone at a course I am able to instantly enter key data about the prospect and the conversation we just had. For example, I might have a conversation with a dentist that has a retirement plan but is not happy with the management of that plan. Right after the conversation with the doctor I am able to pull out my iPhone or iPad, enter the doctors info, schedule a follow up call, and enter key details about what we talked about. No computer needed!

How has the iPad revolutionized the way you do business in general (not Daylite specific)?

The iPad has totally changed the way I work. I use it all the time for client/prospect powerpoints. I'm in an industry where things are always in flux and changing. Most of the presentations I use are always being updated. I used to have to print and bind each presentation whenever there was an update. Now I just use iTunes and add a new and updated presentation to my iPad and I'm ready to go. The clients/prospect love this. They like to grab the iPad from me and they start to flip through the presentation and are actually interacting with the data. I find that I get more questions and more feedback using the iPad than I do when I used to use printed presentations.

Describe how you use Daylite on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad. In what scenarios do you use each device, and how has the ability to take your business with you improved productivity?

I find that I use Daylite on all three devices. It really depends on what I am doing and how much data I need to enter. I use Daylite on my Mac when I am at my computer and need to do marketing activities or enter a large amount of leads / data. My iPad comes in handy when I need more screen room to see what is going on or in situations where I do not have my laptop. My iPhone comes in handy when I am traveling and don't want to carry all my computing gear.

What is your favourite thing about having Daylite on your iPad?

Daylite has help me grow my practice by allowing me to keep track of all the opportunities that present themselves. I'm able to enter in prospects, keep track of estimate revenues, and add clarity to what opportunities I should be going after.

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