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Mortgage Alliance West

Financial Services Vancouver, BC


We are a mortgage broker company and our specialty is client service. We are a zero-footprint company and by using technology we are paperless. Our focus is on taking care of our clients and also taking care of the environment along the way. We are mostly a referral based business and we believe that the more we give to our clients, community, and the environment the more we will get in return.

Reasons for choosing Daylite?

While researching other CRM programs, we saw that a lot of them are fine for inputting information but not great at reporting on information. I downloaded a demo version of Daylite and was impressed with what I saw. Daylite offered built-in Mac friendly features such as: drag and drop, smart lists, and the ability to work with my iPhone.

Favourite Daylite Features

The ability to link together all of our emails, activities, and other files is definitely one of our favorite features in Daylite. It allows us to keep everything in one place. No more calling out across the office, looking in filing cabinets, or asking each other when we last spoke to a client.

We also love the projects feature. It allows us to keep track of our current and past mortgages, as well as link all the necessary and related contact info together, such as: referrals, lenders, realtors, lawyers, and anyone else who is involved in the mortgage. Daylite gives us a streamlined record of everything pertaining to a client/mortgage. This in turn will help us with customer retention and give us another tool to use for our keep-in-touch program.

How has Daylite and/or Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

Daylite has improved our workflow tremendously – it's like we got a digital makeover! I can now look at a contact and see all of the e-mails, notes, and to-do's for that client – which allows me to know exactly what is going on at all times. By using the delegation feature in Daylite, I've been able to dramatically cut down the volume of e-mails with my assistant. I no longer spend hours looking for e-mails since they are all indexed to the client. And when I'm on the road, I use Daylite Touch to stay in sync with my business. It's truly priceless to be able to look down at my iPhone and feel totally connected to what's going on at the office.

How has Daylite helped you increase revenue in your business?

In just four months, we have already noticed a lot of time being saved. With our previous system, there were a lot of redundancies; we were shuffling papers around all the time and Cc'ing each other on almost every email. With our new Daylite system, we're working smarter by processing and tracking information more efficiently. This in turn has allowed us to increase our volume of business while still maintaining the high level of service our customers have come to expect.

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