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Samuel Waxman

Financial Services Toronto, Ontario


Samuel Waxman is a Personal Financial Advisor that aims to provide his clients with a proper plan to ensure their financial needs are met, despite the obstacles life may force their way. Samuel’s services include life insurance, disability insurance, mortgage insurance, critical illness insurance, group insurance, RESPs, RRSPs, TFSAs and more.

What sets you apart from other financial advisors?

As a broker I’m able to represent every major Canadian insurance company that exists. This means that rather than working for a specific insurance company, I can shop around for my clients and find them the best coverage that is suited for their specific needs. Following up with clients is an important part of what I do. I am grateful to have a father who has been in the business since 1966 that has been my mentor. Watching my father work with his clients has taught me how important it is to maintain relationships with clients through constant contact. Daylite helps me keep in contact with my clients, by reminding me when birthdays are coming up and helping me stay on top of annual policy check-ups.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I like the fact that I am always meeting new people and my day is always different. I am not the type of person who enjoys being chained to a desk, so I’m happy that my job allows me to be on the road and always meeting and connecting with new people. However, the most rewarding part of my job is being of assistance to families in a time of need. When times are tough, my role as a Financial Advisor allows me to help families get through those difficult financial troubles.

How does Daylite help with your workflow?

Once an application has been signed with a client, all their information is inputed into Daylite. I have customized my contact fields so I can capture information such as their marital status, their spouse’s name, children’s name(s), hobbies and interest, etc. This allows me to stay on top of what is most important to my clients. Also, the ability to link e-mails to my clients is important for keeping track of communication.

The biggest thing I love about Daylite is the forms feature. I have created a form for every type of policy that I sell and each form is specialized to list the company name, face value, beneficiaries, the day of the month that premiums are drawn and all other pertinent details. This allows me to see each client’s policy details in one organized place. This in turn, allows for an easy method of providing clients with a detailed policy summary upon request.

What are some Daylite features that make your life easier?

I always write notes in Daylite after meeting with a client to keep track of what was discussed during our meeting. The Daylite task and follow up features allow me to remember when I should check in with each client. I also use Daylite to keep all my contact information for each client organized in one place. Forms are one of my favourite features because it syncs up with my phone. When I am with a client I can use my phone to answer any questions immediately. The same works when I get an e-mail from a client. I do not have to wait until I get home to check my computer because all the information is always with me on my iPhone.

What helped you make the decision to choose Daylite?

I visited an Apple Store and was recommended to try Daylite. I started my free trial and was put in contact with James Spencer who has been very helpful whenever I have a question. During the trial period I fell in love with Daylite so I bought it.

Have you worked with other CRMs prior to Daylite?

I had used SalesForce while working at Manulife, but I found it to be too complex. Daylite is very easy to personalize and after my initial trial period, I found it very easy to use and navigate. Keeping track of client files is very important in my business and I have seen many older financial advisors who have significant amounts of paperwork. Daylite allows me to use much less paper, which saves me time and space in my office. Legally, certain documents must be kept on hard copy, but Daylite makes the amount of paper much less and finding files much easier than sifting through piles of paperwork. I can just type in a keyword I am looking for and it pops up.

How has your experience with Marketciricle support been?

I think the support for Daylite is great. About a month ago during one of the updates my Daylite Mail Assistant wasn’t syncing. I had e-mails piling up that I couldn’t add to Daylite and I like to keep my e-mail list clean. I contacted support who lead me through the process step by step to fix it. As soon as an update was available I was e-mailed what to do. The Marketcircle team was very supportive. One thing I can appreciate is being located in the same city as Marketcircle user support (Toronto). This makes it easy to get assistance if I ever have an issue with my software.

What’s the best advice you could give to someone planning their retirement?

Make sure that you have invested safely for your retirement. Put money into your RRSPs and make sure you have the proper insurance and financial plan in place. This allows you to not worry about working longer or taking a second job in your later years. Instead, you will be able to do what you love because you have planned for it for the last 20-40 years. The earlier you start planning, the better off you are. There is no time like the present to begin taking care of your future.

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