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Foreman, Lewis and Hutchison

Legal Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas


Foreman, Lewis & Hutchison is a law firm that specializes in the trial of lawsuits. All the lawyers in the firm have been repeatedly selected as "Top Attorneys" in Ft.Worth, Texas, magazine and as "SuperLawyers" in Texas Monthly, magazine.

How do you use Daylite in your industry?

As an attorney, calendaring is everything. One missed deadline or hearing can cause us to lose a case worth millions of dollars. We live by Daylite – the Mail integration feature is one of our favourites. Every case is set up as a project and we are able to link all parties, witnesses, experts, etc. with this case management software. We email ourselves important case documents that then linked to the project via the Apple Mail integration.

What's your favourite thing about Daylite Touch?

I HATE to wear a suit unless I am going to be in court. With Touch I can check my calendar before going to bed to see if I can wear jeans and ride my motorcycle to work the next day.

How has Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

Daylite Touch allows me to plan my day before I arrive at my desk. I can browse upcoming deadlines, appointments and project events. When I am out of the office, I have access to all of my cases and contacts. Time spent in lines and airports can now be spent on projects. My paralegal always has immediate, real time access to delegated tasks and appointment notes.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

The ability to check my own and my partners' calendars from home or the courtroom is indispensable. "Reschedule the hearing to when, your Honor?" No problem, I have all of our calendars right here in my pocket with Daylite's shared calendar.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Daylite's stability is amazing. Our former windows based case management system crashed at least once or twice a week. We've been using Daylite for over four years without a hitch.

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