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Winghart Law Group

Legal Redwood City, CA


The Winghart Law Group was founded by Drew Winghart with the principle that individuals and small businesses should be able to access quality legal representation. Winghart Law Group handles transactional and litigation matters throughout the state of California.

What do you use Daylite for?

Daylite is used to run my practice as much as I can implement it. I rely heavily on the Calendar and Contacts, but also on using the functionality with Mac Mail to track and tab e-mails that come in to my office. Often when a client e-mails me, there is a task that I need to complete, but either I don't have the ability to respond at that time or complete the task because of the need to do further work before I can respond. When these items happen, I can easily create a short task that moves to my calendar and I make sure it gets done timely. It has also helped me capture more of my time for hourly clients because there is such a clean trail of information on what has progressed in the case.

What was the most painful thing about your previous workflow that Daylite has helped to solve?

Having to search my electronic files and e-mails to confirm something was done. When its marked as done in Daylite, I am able to move on quickly without rooting around to make sure that a letter was sent, a call was returned, etc.

With Daylite on your iPhone, you've literally had your business in your pocket. Now, with Daylite on your iPad, what have you been able to further achieve?

Having Daylite on my iPad has been a big boost for me. Not only can I track the ongoing status of matters, but as I come to rely more and more on my iPad, I can make sure that I am on top of the tasks that arise. When I get a late night e-mail from a client, rather than having to open my laptop and add the necessary information, I can quickly add a new Note, Task, or contact.

How has the iPad revolutionized the way you do business in general (not Daylite specific)?

When I first got an iPad, I will admit I was slower than many people to fully use the iPad for my business than some people. When I first got it, I used it a lot for media consumption, such as web browsing, gaming and entertainment generally. Once I had a comfort level with it, I have worked hard to leave as much paper at the office as possible. With all of my files being saved in a digital format, if I am traveling, I simply load documents through iTunes and open PDFs in iBook. I recently attended a Settlement Conference in a case where the iPad was the only "document" I brought with me. I found that I was able to pull up everything I needed in a timely fashion and without the rustling of papers which can be disruptive and time consuming. As an attorney, it is hard to not bring the "paper" or the file when traveling for a meeting, hearing, or deposition, but I am continuing to rely more and more on the iPad to ease what I travel with. I have also been able to avoid traveling with my laptop many times because I know I can generate documents, review e-mail, and keep up with everything going on in my office when I am not there.

Describe how you use Daylite on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad. In what scenarios do you use each device, and how has the ability to take your business with you improved productivity?

Daylite on my Mac is my primary resource. I run on a MacBook Pro as my primary computer at home and the office. As such, Daylite is my "gatekeeper" of information. E-mails are sorted and logged; my calendar is regularly updated; and because all of my files are scanned, digital files are linked as appropriate within Daylite. As I have begun to use more of my iPad more, I now use my iPad to help "filter" e-mails. I keep my email open on my iPad to respond to e-mails that I don't need recorded or tracked, such as personal emails, list-serve messages. What I have found. I use my iPad for productivity when I need a break from my desk or when I am traveling. Having a "fresh look" at my tasks, projects, and opportunities using the iPad often allows me to see opportunities and items I might have otherwise missed.

What is your favourite thing about having Daylite on your iPad?

In addition to the interface generally, I have come to depend on the portability for downtime.

How has Daylite helped you grow your business?

I have been able to control my project workflow and avoid duplication and even find new opportunities for existing clients.

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