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Feel Design

Design Harrogate North Yorkshire. UK


We are a full service agency - based from a home. We have several freelancers working in 3D, development, illustration and copywriting. We have a wide range of clients, from one man bands to large international companies

How do you use Daylite in your industry?

We use it to manage our contacts – recording all opportunities and monitoring communication relating to them. Once we’ve won the opportunity, we turn it into a project and create tasks for the project that we delegate to team members. We also record FTP details for web projects and other related info in forms. For instance, we’ll use forms to record the outline for a project and design specifications. Without Daylite we couldn’t function as we do – it keeps us on track. Daylite allows me to monitor new sales leads and their follow ups, setup reminders for important due dates, and easily track client communication. When I'm out of the office, all new calls are added to Daylite as appointments, and delegated to me so they appear in my notifications list.

What's your favourite thing about Daylite Touch?

Seeing the day’s appointments and tasks at a glance and being able to access projects while out and about.

How has Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

It’s enabled us to access information quickly and easily, while we’re away from the office. I used to have to get a report of calls made and work done at the end of every day, but now with Daylite Touch, I’m kept in the loop all day long.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

Being able to see progress on projects and clients while I'm out. Sending project notes to my co-workers who are filming on location has been very valuable.

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