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Ground 15 AG

Creative Zollikon by Zurich, Switzerland


Ground15 is the creative agency for Print, Web and Video Productions with Clients like FIFA or Zurich Insurance.

What do you use Daylite for?

For the Management of all tasks in my office, Task reporting, writing invoices and letters, plan tasks and workdays and saving Mails/Notes to Projects and Contacts.

What was the most painful thing about your previous workflow that Daylite has helped to solve?

Find important contact information and passwords.

With Daylite on your iPhone, you've literally had your business in your pocket. Now, with Daylite on your iPad, what have you been able to further achieve?

I didn't use Daylite for iPhone, but I think Daylite Touch for iPad provides an easier, faster and more comfortable way to manage projects, meetings, and contacts. For me It will be one of the most important apps, because it's a great tool to update tasks during meetings or on the go.

How has the iPad revolutionized the way you do business in general (not Daylite specific)?

For me it's (or it was, without multitasking) a "toy" for gaming, watch movies, browsing, and so on. But more and more I write letters, manage lists, and manage data on my iPad.

What is your favourite thing about having Daylite on your iPad?

I love the bulk task editing and the calendar view.

How has Daylite helped you grow your business?

It has helped us with our invoice managing workflow.

Any other comments?

I'm sure that the new Daylite Touch for iPad will be a success, It's a great app and I'm looking forward to the official release :-)

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