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Hunter Industries

Design San Marcos, CA / Carlsbad, CA


I’ve been in the design and marketing industry for over a decade. I became an Adobe Certified Expert and spent nearly seven years teaching while freelancing at design firms of all sizes until finding my home with Hunter Industries.

As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of irrigation equipment for the landscape and golf course industries, Hunter has enjoyed a well-established reputation as the innovation leader in irrigation.

What do you use Daylite for?

I was first introduced to Daylite in early 2008 and implemented it in our Marketing department using it as a project management tool. We handle project requests from internal and external customers, and we enter that information into Daylite with the help of DMI, linking the relevant contacts to each project so that all our emails, tasks, and planning can be associated with that project are tracked.

What was it about Daylite that drew you in initially?

It was the strongest featured software for project management that I could find and being Mac based, it became a simple choice. It seemed to do most everything I wanted backed and supported by great online training videos, documentation and community forums, which has been very helpful.

How has Daylite and/or Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

Daylite allows our process to be more manageable and efficient. From initiating a project all the way to providing current assessments using smart lists and sending project reports via the Delivery integration feature, we rely on this daily. I also wrote a decently detailed manual to help our entire team with all the great features of Daylite.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

The DMI integration with the ability to hold attachments and keep correspondence associated with the project is the most used feature. Tasking allows us to send action items to each other that we want to track through to completion as part of a larger project. The "Add file reference" is one of my new favourite features that saves me a ton of time by letting me set a link directly to a folder on our server or to a website. Pipeline stages with status change annotation help us with our reports that we send to project requestors showing the status of their projects and our current workload. I am currently looking into importing data from the project request form into Daylite using the "import XML web leads" function. There is a lot more, but that's some of the most used.

How has Daylite helped you to increase revenue in your business?

Efficiency + Reliability + Accountability = Success.

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