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Maccabee Group

Public Relations Minneapolis, MN


Founded in 1996, independently owned, Minneapolis-based Maccabee Group has been honored with "PR Campaign of the Year," "Best Cause Marketing Campaign," "Best Viral Marketing Program," "Best New Media/Retail Marketing," "Special Event of the Year" and "Best Publicity Campaign" Awards.

What do you use Daylite for?

Maccabee Group uses Daylite primarily for managing contacts and activities with contacts. Some other common uses are tasks and scheduling.

What was it about Daylite that drew you in initially?

Maccabee Group works with contacts in the media every day. We needed a system that allowed us to have one person who might be affiliated with many organizations. There could be a reporter who maintains his/her own blog, writes a column for a newspaper and is a contributor to a magazine. In our old system we would have had that contact entered three different times so our lists were getting big and every inefficient.

How has Daylite and/or Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

Daylite has helped Maccabee Group to centralize our contacts in one place that is easy for employees to find through Daylite.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

The Daylite feature most useful to Maccabee Group is the ability to customize groups of contacts in addition to adding categories and keywords.

How has Daylite helped you to increase revenue in your business?

In an indirect way it has helped us increase revenue because it has made our staff more efficient.

Has working with MacAngel enhanced any of this? And if so, how?

Maccabee Group had many obstacles to embracing Daylite initially since there were so many components that we just didn’t understand. Through MacAngel we did several hours of training and it allowed people to see how Daylite works and how it could help them with their daily responsibilities..

Any other comments?

Daylite is a great program but not something that was easy to learn without some expert training. It is much better to work with a pro from the beginning to be sure to get the most out of your investment.

Join the thousands of small businesses that are growing with Daylite.

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