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Mighty Prose

Copyrighting Torrance, CA


Mighty Prose is a ghostwriting and copywriting company founded by Lawrence Ineno. We turn entrepreneurs and business professionals into published authors and transform weak words into information that sells.

What do you use Daylite for?

I'm a Daylite junkie. During the workday, it may appear as if I'm alone, but the truth is that Daylite is my best friend. And without it, I'd be both lonely and unproductive. In other words, I'd be sad and poor.

I am a Freelance Ghostwriter and use Daylite to keep track of the prospective clients whom I reach out to regularly. My follow up with prospects comprises face-to-face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, letters, and packages sent through the mail. Daylite & DMI ensure that I contact individuals and businesses consistently, and that I keep track of all book projects.

Part of my work as a Ghostwriter also includes project management. When I'm helping authors produce their books, I assemble a production team. These professionals include book publishers, graphic designers, book-indexers, editors, and more. I use the "Projects" button (the toolbar box with the hammer icon) to record all correspondences, tasks, and to-do lists.

What was it about Daylite that drew you in initially?

I am both a Mac user and self-employed. I also use Apple Mail. Daylite & DMI fit my needs perfectly.

How has Daylite and/or Daylite Touch improved your workflow?

Not only has Daylite improved my workflow, but it has BECOME my workflow. Without Daylite, my revenue would take a nosedive because it increases my efficiency.

Which features do you find most useful to you and your business?

I'm a strong believer in working "in the zone." The TASK button helps me accomplish this. The TASK button--the one with a pushpin icon--is my go-to link. I use it through the day. Every night, I review tasks that I'll take care of the next day. The following morning, the tasks are waiting for me. I can be present with my clients and prospects because I'm not distracted by thoughts of "What do I need to do next?" The next step is waiting for me without having to worry about it.

How has Daylite helped you to increase revenue in your business?

My work hours are far more efficient since I've used Daylite. How do I know? When I've not had access to Daylite because my computer wasn't working, the workday was far more stressful, and I wasn't able to accomplish nearly as much. I'm able to deliver better service to my clients and I'm able to reach out to more prospects thanks to Daylite.

Any other comments?

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