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Recruiting London, UK


I’m a recruiter working specifically within retail marketing and design. I’ve been running my business for 15 years, searching for and placing quality individuals into client companies, who include agencies and consumer brands. I regularly travel and need to be easily contactable; direct access to my contact information is paramount.

What do you use Daylite for?

Managing my life! I initially wanted Daylite as a database and management tool for my business. However, I’ve now extended this to my personal life as it seamlessly interacts across both areas. I want a database system where I can have complete records of companies, clients, and candidates, which I can track back through all areas of activity - meetings, tasks, notes, and email. I also record all client assignments, and can link these to potential candidates, including all relevant activities as listed above.

What was the most painful thing about your previous workflow that Daylite has helped solve?

The most painful thing about my previous workflow that Daylite has helped solve is email. Previously, I had to copy and paste all emails into notes within individual records, which became a nightmare. Daylite’s email management system means that emails can be immediately recorded and linked to specific companies and individuals as well as assignments, meetings and projects. It is totally seamless, and makes tracking back both accurate and very easy.

How has the iPad revolutionized the way you do business in general (not Daylite specific)?

The biggest advantage of the iPad on my business is its portability and speed of access and operation. I no longer need to carry a laptop, or a dongle for wifi access. In addition, the iPad enables me to take notes at meetings, make professional presentations, and also synchronise and access files using Dropbox.

Describe how you use Daylite on your Mac, iPhone and iPad. In what scenarios do you use each device, and how has the ability to take you business with you improved productivity?

I use Daylite on my Mac to manage my business - diary, address book, tasks, contact history and records, adding notes during telephone conversations, email management, search assignments etc. I also add LinkedIn url’s within contact records which gives immediate and direct access to their profiles. I need to arrange a large amount of 3rd party meetings between clients and candidates, and the ability to link email to all records and activities makes cross-checking very simple. Having Daylite on my iPhone means I have all contact records available wherever I am; I can add details and synchronise these with the server, meaning all my information is fully up-to-date. This is great for task-management. I also can see who is calling, and then add notes from the conversation to that person’s record.

What is your favourite thing about having Daylite on your iPad?

Apart from my iPhone, the iPad is the only thing I now need to take with me. The larger screen on the iPad makes using Daylite even easier. It’s simple to make notes, particularly during meetings (which also looks professional), and all the information can be immediately synchronised across all three devices - Mac, iPad and iPhone

How has Daylite helped you grow your business?

Daylite has enabled me to grow my business by simplifying and facilitating my day-to-day management and administration. This saves me a great deal of time. I can easily reach out to any of my contacts wherever I am, and I have all the information at my finger-tips to make accurate decisions. In summary, Daylite has become an irreplaceable part of my daily life - both professionally and personally. It simply makes life so much easier, organised, and pleasurable.

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