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Jim Jordan Photography/ White Cross Productions

Photography Los Angeles and New York


Jim Jordan photographs for advertising campaigns, fashion editorials and celebrities. His work can be seen in such magazines as Vogue, Vanity Fair, Elle, Marie Claire, and J. Crew to name a few. He shoots celebrities such as Leonardo Di’Caprio, Charlize Theron, Jessica Alba, Drew Berrymore, Etc.

How does Daylite help your business?

With Daylite, I am able to manage all of my companies in one place. Daylite allows myself and my employees to organize content for each company separately, as well as link contacts and jobs together when necessary. Before Daylite, I tried many databases and found they all had limited capacity for what I needed in order to manage my companies seamlessly. After doing research, I came across Daylite and realized that it had everything I was looking for in order to run my businesses.

How has Daylite on your iPhone and iPad changed the way you work?

We can access Daylite from any device, from the office computers to our iPhones and iPads. While on location for photo shoots and productions, myself and my team are able to access contact information for clients, check the office calendar, and manage task lists. Being mobile with Daylite allows me to maintain my busy schedule while managing my companies.

How does Daylite help your team work efficiently?

When producing a job, Daylite allows us to break down the production steps with the Pipeline feature. My employees can organize the tasks that need to be completed and sort it by pre-production and post production. Daylite links multiple contacts and resources to specific tasks, allowing me to link each employee associated with each task. Client information can also be linked, which helps streamline the production phase. Being able to organize and link everything cuts down on work time, and allows for more tasks to be completed each day.

What are your favourite Daylite features?

Daylite Mail Assistant automatically links emails coming in to the contact associated with each email. This is a great feature because it allows all users to go back and access information in Daylite, allowing there to be an open flow of communication between me and my team in regards to client information and correspondence. The Home page feature is another favorite as it allows each person to see what is on the calendar for the day, as well as specific tasks in each person’s worklist. This allows my employees to give more attention and energy to each project and have better communication. With Daylite, everything is structured and organized. Another great feature in Daylite is the Smart Lists. This is a great feature because it allows clients and companies to be organized by different fields. Clients can be sorted by location, keyword, or company, which allows us to quickly find anything connected to a specific search.


With Daylite, I have finally found a solution that expands and grows with my constantly growing companies. Daylite is a great database that is very easy to use and allows the multiple facets of any business to be found in one place. In Daylite, users can view emails, share calendars, manage task lists, and organize contacts all in one place. Additionally, Marketcircle’s support staff and customer service are fantastic. They are always available and very helpful with problem solving and answering any questions.

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