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Liquid Reality

Software Toronto, Ontario


Liquid Reality creates innovative and engaging experiences in the digital domain for Mobile, Desktop and Web, with a specialization in user experience strategy + design. Since our inception, we've worked on projects large and small, for varied clients with varied audiences - but one thing has remained constant: our dedication to creating outstanding products with the highest level of quality. We've been around for a while, and worked on hundreds of successful products, and we bring all of the knowledge and experience garnered from each experience to each and every new product we design.

When I Realized I Needed Daylite

I needed a way to keep everything in a centralized repository and to track all elements of communication with my customers. Things would sometimes unintentionally slip, but now with Daylite, that doesn’t happen.

The email logging functionality (Daylite Mail Assistant) is one of the most convenient ways for me to keep track of projects and communication. I use the Phone Amego plug-in to track phone calls with clients as well. The ability to access this from my iPhone and iPad is tremendous. The ability to see what’s going on with a client right before I meet them is really valuable.

Another reason I needed Daylite was to be able to take customers from prospect, to lead, to opportunity, and through the project. This was a pivoting point for my company.

I cannot stress enough how much Daylite has changed the way I work. It took me from a reactive stance to a proactive stance for the first time in 18 years. It put the framework in place for me to excel within.

My Workflow with Daylite

I use a mix of forms to keep track of prospects. I use pipelines and activity sets to move those prospects into leads and then gather the research I need through forms. I generally use pipelines more once we get to the project or opportunity stage.

Daylite has allowed me to see my new business pipeline in a very logical and progressive frame of mind. Daylite has allowed me to be proactive in growing my company for the first time. I’ve been very fortunate with my business to rely solely on word of mouth and referral business in 18 years.

Growing the business has been something that has been more and more important to me over the last couple of years, which is the main reason I invested in Daylite. I’ve looked at and evaluated many apps in this space and Daylite is the best app for me to manage my business as I grow.

What improvements have you noticed in the new version of Daylite?

The user interface was probably the most significant motivator for me to upgrade, being a user interface designer myself. It’s much cleaner and neater, which makes it less jarring to switch to from core OS apps than some of the other apps I use. I love the new Insight view.

For me, it’s still early for the value of Insight to kick in, but over the next six months I think it’s going to be able to show me where I’m spending my time, where my effort is going, and where my revenue is actually coming from. It’s important for me for my sales pipelines to see what type of projects I’m working on more.

With the Insight view, I’ve noticed that I’m doing a lot more mobile web and responsive projects than I thought. I could see that just by quickly reviewing my active projects in the Insight view. Sometimes you think you are working on more of one type of project than another, but when you can clearly see that 60% of your projects are mobile web, it’s eye opening. The more I use the Insight view, the more I realize that I’m not fully exploring Daylite and I love that.

As I’m working it into my workflow sometimes I think to myself, “wouldn’t it be nice if Daylite did this…” and then I see that it DOES. Daylite is constantly giving me new opportunities to be more efficient and aware of what’s going on in my business.

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