Track Your Referrals and Win More Business with the Opportunities Referral Source Analysis Report

Our Company / August 23, 2017 / JD

By tracking your referrals, you can measure the success of referral campaigns as well as word of mouth. Referrals are some of the best ways to grow your business and require little investment from you. Knowing who your top referrers are can help you provide additional rewards, attention or perks which can encourage even more business.


The Opportunities Referral Source Analysis report helps you track referrals and see who gives you more business. The report gives you a list of people who have given you referrals with totals, sorted by your top referrers. The top 10 referrers are also shown in an easy to read pie chart.

This report is sold exclusively by Blue Rock and can be purchased here. Blue Rock is our long time friend and Marketcircle Expert who provides Daylite customers with amazing training, installation, providing off-the-shelf and custom reports.

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