Daylite 4.3.1 is now available and addresses an issue introduced by Apple in an update to their iCloud calendar servers early this morning.This change caused Daylite to crash while trying to communicate with the iCloud calendar servers.
This change with Apple affects all versions of Daylite. Please update Daylite and Daylite Mail Assistant as soon as possible to avoid this issue.
Download Daylite 4.3.1 and DMA 4.3
Daylite 4.3.1 is compatible with Daylite Server 4.1.x or 4.2.x or 4.3.
For customers that have not yet upgraded to Daylite 4.3, Daylite Mail Assistant 4.3, Daylite Server 4.3 and Daylite for iOS 4.3, please follow the upgrade process on our Downloads Page. We have updated the the download links to reflect 4.3.1 changes.
We will also be sending out an email to all our customers advising them to upgrade.