Daylite 5 & Billings Pro Are Compatible With El Capitan

Product Updates / September 29, 2015 / Kristie

We’re happy to announce that Daylite 5 and Billings Pro are both compatible with Apple’s newest operating system, OS X 10.11 El Capitan. If you’re using the current version of Billings Pro for Mac (1.7.4) then you can keep on keeping’ on because this version is already compatible– no need for an update. Same with Billings Pro for the iPhone & iPad, the latest version is compatible with iOS 9.


If you’re using Daylite 5, you’ll need to upgrade to the newest version for the Mac (5.0.9) to be compatible with El Capitan. The current version of Daylite for the iPhone and iPad is already compatible with iOS 9 (so no need for an update). We’ve also thrown in a few new features and squashed a few bugs for Daylite on the Mac.

Daylite 5.0.9 for Mac Build 6627


  • Adds a menu option to “Change Password” under the Daylite menu.
  • Adds the option “Link to Company With Source Import ID” for Contacts within the Delimited Text Data Import.
  • Adds the option “Link to Contact With Source Import ID” for Companies within the Delimited Text Data Import.

Download the latest version of Daylite for the Mac and view the full release notes here.

Daylite Server Admin 5.0.9 Build 5829


  • Launching the app now checks to see if the Primary Database is set to be automatically backed up.
  • Unchecking a database from within the Backup pane now asks for a confirmation to exclude from the backup schedule.

Download the latest version of Daylite Server Admin and view the full release notes here.

Billings Pro for Mac 1.7.4


  • Updated SSL for improved security

Download the latest version of Billings Pro for Mac and view the full release note here.

Thank you to all the beta testers that helped us out. 🙂

Daylite 4 will not be updated to be compatible with El Capitan. For more details, check out our previous blog on Compatibility for OS X El Capitan & iOS 9.

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