Product Updates December 4, 2017 Kristie

Go Cloud This Holiday Season & Start 2018 Right

With the holidays approaching, this is a great time to migrate to Cloud because you don’t have to worry about interrupting the day-to-day of your business.


When you move to Daylite Cloud, you want the least amount of downtime, right? Your team is busy following up with clients and completing projects on time and you don’t want to interrupt their work. By Going Cloud over the holiday season while your team is doing their holiday shopping or while your office is closed for the holidays, you won’t have to worry about interrupting their productivity.

Less down time for your team means more time spent winning more business and getting more done.

Not sure if you’re ready to Go Cloud? Have questions or want to see Daylite Cloud in action? Sign up for the Experience Cloud Webinar!

Hurry now to book your move to Cloud. Get faster syncing and less hassles when you say good-bye to your Server and get ready to accomplish more in 2018!

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