Our Company January 30, 2009 Ryan

Macworld ’09 Videos with Exclusive Daylite Touch Demo are Live!

The footage from Macworld 2009 that you’ve all be waiting for is finally here!

You can check out a video of AJ showing off Daylite Touch at the Marketcircle Booth at this years Macworld Expo in San Francisco, California. Daylite Touch went on to win the prestigious MacWorld Best of Show Award for 2009.

AJ demoing Daylite Touch for the first time!

We’ve also put together footage of some of the other presentations, which can be found here:

    • Getting Things Done with Daylite (presented by Business Development Manager of Marketcircle, Amin Rahmani)
    • Daylite & MYOB AccountEdge Connector (presented by Product Evangelist from MYOB, Todd Salkovitz)
    • Daylite & LightSpeed Connector (presented by CEO of Xsilva Systems, Dax Dasilva)
  • Daylite & MoneyWorks Connector (presented by CEO of Cognito Software, Grant Cowie)

Hope you enjoy!

Ryan Cash

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