Our Company June 16, 2010 Alykhan Jetha

Marketcircle and iOS 4.

As you all know, iOS 4 (aka iPhone OS 4) will be upon us in just a few days. iOS 4 has 2 exciting features we’ve been waiting for for some 2 years now (we’ve lobbied for 4 features, so a 50% hit rate is not bad).

These 2 new features are applicable to Daylite, and they are “local notifications” and “task completion”. In Daylite language that means “alarms” and “sync on quit”. We’ve been feverishly working on these for a few months now (on the iPhone side, the server side and the sync). Our objective was to hit the App Store day 1, but we never knew the actual ship date was. Like you, we found out while we where at WWDC last week.

With the upcoming Daylite Touch 1.5, you’ll be able to set alarms (reminders), synchronization will occur when you switch to another app or when you quit (the sync bezel will still appear occasionally, but not nearly as often as it does now), and it will be compatible with the “multi-tasking” feature that comes with iOS 4 (some devices are exempt).

We should be able to submit Daylite Touch 1.5 for review in 12 days or so. Along with that, we’ll release Daylite 3.11 and Daylite Server 3.11 (yes, we have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us).

On the Billings Touch front, we’ll make the app work properly with the “multi-tasking” feature and we’ll fix a few quirks directly related to iOS 4. We’re planning to submit Billings Touch 1.3 to the App Store for review by the end of next week.

On the “Retina Display” front, we’ll be working to make both apps compatible over the next few releases. You’ll see some updated art in Daylite Touch 1.5 and Billings Touch 1.3. We’ll fully comply in a subsequent release (we will not officially have access to a “retina display” device for a least a month, however, we’ll try our best to get one asap).

Until next time…

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